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Realtime/Seamless Audio Switching

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 02:46
by mrblue1234

I hope you are having a great day.

I am using VLC on a Debian based system.

1.) When I am playing a video I want to switch the audio destination realtime without stopping the video. When I use the hot-key "shift+a" I can cycle threw the different audio devices while the video continues to play. This is getting me closer to my goal.

2.) One problem I found is that after a few of these commands, cycling threw several of the available audio interfaces, the player becomes unresponsive to my keyboard commands. This is repeatable for me and seems to be a bug. I was expecting the "shift-a" to be able to cycle threw all the devices forever and to just loop.

3.) Is there a way to switch to the exact audio interface while the video is playing without having to cycle threw all the available devices?

Thank you so much!


Re: Realtime/Seamless Audio Switching

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 17:12
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
1) It depends on audio output plugin, but completely transparent hand-over is fundamentally impossible by hardware design.
2) For crashes and lock-ups, we need symbolic threaded stack traces.
3) Yes, at the API level or via the GUI menus.

Re: Realtime/Seamless Audio Switching

Posted: 12 Jul 2017 18:16
by mrblue1234
Thanks for the reply Remi.

1.) Do you mind clarifying what you mean that "completely transparent hand-over is fundamentally impossible by hardware design". I don't understand this. When I use "shift-a" it seems to switch over just fine. What limitations are you thinking of? Also is there a way to hide the overlaid text (showing what device was switched to) when switching to a new device?

2.) Is there a write up on how to provide the symbolic threaded stack traces?

3.) I can do this clicking around with my mouse on the GUI but the API level sounds perfect. Could you point me in the right direction on how to do this? What language? Is there a library to use? What API functions would be one to use?

Thank you so much! Have a great day.


Re: Realtime/Seamless Audio Switching

Posted: 14 Jul 2017 00:20
by mrblue1234
The API route has worked successfully. Thank you.