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Help for VLC compiling

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 22:19
by Elements
It seems that the VLC package for Ubuntu is unable to read mkv files, so I looked into compiling it myself. The "./configure ..." step works fine but here's what I get when using the "make" command :

Code: Select all

`-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march=' instead. ffmpeg.c:49:44: error: libpostproc/postprocess.h: No such file or directory
And before anyone asks, YES I have the libpostproc-dev package installed. Any ideas ?[/code]

VLC -make

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 09:54
by saravanan.G
Hi frnd,

I think ur prob is common to new person installin vlc ....

In generally whataver libraries u installed for vlc that will stored in /usr/local/lib so when u put make in vlc it will refer those library files in /usr/lib so u have to include library path or copy all those installed files from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib .....

now u can configure vlc ... u try ...
Tell me the result ...k all the best ....

bye ......... 8)

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 10:16
by Elements
my /usr/local/lib directory is empty but indeed I can't find postprocess.h using the 'Search' function. But I have the 'libpostproc-dev' package installed, I reinstalled it several times.

Posted: 10 Nov 2005 11:21
by xtophe
Which distro ?

It seems that this package has a bug then.

The other solution is to get the sources and build ffmpeg yourself.

vlc - support packages

Posted: 11 Nov 2005 06:45
by saravanan.G
Hi ,

Before installing u hav to install vlc libraries ....

These are all some important libraries ....


I think u installed ffmpeg so install other libraries .... If u install these libraries in will stored in /usr/local/lib ,.... now u can see all those files then try vlc installation steps ...

k........ 8)

mission postprocess.h

Posted: 18 Nov 2005 21:43
by goradiaa
my /usr/local/lib directory is empty but indeed I can't find postprocess.h using the 'Search' function. But I have the 'libpostproc-dev' package installed, I reinstalled it several times.
you can try to complie a version of ffmpeg with --enable-gpl --enable-pp and then provide vlc with the path for that particular ffmpeg version.


Posted: 25 Nov 2005 14:41
by mouth1609
" step works fine but here's what I get when using the "make" command :.
I keep having these strange thoughts any one know why? xx(xx(