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VLC plugin won't display two streams at once

Posted: 07 Nov 2005 23:14
by ehobbs
I have written a web page that plays video (mjpeg format) from two IP cameras.
It was originally written in January, and worked fine until I updated in October (it had been a very long time since I had updated, and reinstallation from scratch didn't fix the problem).
I am running Gentoo linux, Mozilla version 1.7.12, VLC version 0.8.2 Janus, and mplayerplug-in version 2.80.
When I try to start the second stream the browser crashes with the error

Code: Select all

/usr/libexec/mozilla-launcher: line 116: 5894 Killed "$mozbin" "$@" mozilla-bin exited with non-zero status (137)
I create the videos as follows (one embed in each of two frames).

Code: Select all

<embed type="application/x-vlc-plugin" name="cam1viewer" autoplay="no" width="475" height="375" target="" //target="test1.ogm" //src="test1.ogm" />
Video is controlled by the commands below.
Play is the only one used for the mjpeg stream. The others are for testing of the target='test1.ogm' section above.

Code: Select all

<input type="image" SRC="images/Btn_Prev.gif" HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="42" BORDER="0" onClick=",true)"> <input type="image" SRC="images/Btn_Pause.gif" HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="42" BORDER="0" onClick="document.cam1viewer.pause()"> <input type="image" SRC="images/Btn_Stop.gif" HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="42" BORDER="0" onClick="document.cam1viewer.stop()"> <input type="image" SRC="images/Btn_Play.gif" HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="42" BORDER="0" onClick=""> <input type="image" SRC="images/Btn_Next.gif" HEIGHT="30" WIDTH="42" BORDER="0" onClick=",true)">
Other anomalies include
-If one frame plays mjpeg video, and the other plays a file, whichever is started last has negative colors (not sure if it is exactly negative, but white spots are black, etc.)
-firefox will not play the video, possibly a javascript issue.

I have tried to usnig the mplayer plugin, but it endlessly buffers the mjpeg stream without playing anything.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Mozilla-firefox plugin

Posted: 09 Nov 2005 13:10
by saran
Hi ,

Can u tell me how u integrated firefox plugin with vlc ...
Tell me how u integrated with one stream ....
Is it possible to tell me Full steps ... with source and links ....?