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Debain/Sarge repository for VLC 0.7.2 wanted

Posted: 06 Nov 2005 21:27
by Doc Pharside
I tried to compile it by myself, but my compiling skills are somewhat limited and i just run into too much errors i cannot resolve :-(

I want to use VLC with the dbox and my debian/sarge. The Windows Version of 0.7.2 works perfectly with the dbox.

So if anyone has a repository for a debian/sarge VLC version 0.7.2 or all the .deb packages, i would really appreciate that.


Doc Pharside

i made it !!!

Posted: 08 Nov 2005 13:56
by Doc Pharside
i downloaded the V0.7.2 packages for Fedora FC2 and converted them to .deb with "alien"
I installed them all with "dpkg" and voila: VLC 0.7.2 running fine under my debian.

Works very nice with my Nokia dbox2 now.