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Does VLC support drag&drop subtitles from zip (archive manager)?

Posted: 07 Aug 2016 14:02
by dumble
Does VLC support drag drop subtitles from zip (archive manager)? It does not work in linux mint 18 x64 with VLC 2.2.2

When downloading subtitles from the web, they are usually packed in a zip. In windows it was easy, I downoad the zip, open it right away in winrar, and just grab it from winrar and drop it in PotPlayer (which I always used in windows, but not available for linux). I wonder if this feature is available with linuxmint/ archive manager/ vlc?

Re: Does VLC support drag&drop subtitles from zip (archive manager)?

Posted: 08 Aug 2016 16:20
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I doubt it is tested. It depends on a lot of factors to make it work.

Re: Does VLC support drag&drop subtitles from zip (archive manager)?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 11:42
by dumble
I doubt it is tested. It depends on a lot of factors to make it work.
Ok, I guess Ill post this in feature request. Like I said it works in windows/winrar/potplayer, so they must be doing something right..

Re: Does VLC support drag&drop subtitles from zip (archive manager)?

Posted: 09 Aug 2016 14:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Windows d'nd is different from the linux one.