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Ubuntu Breezy and VLC

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 01:07
by moynihan
I've recently updated vlc to the newest version on Ubuntu Breezy.
For some reason I seem to have the Mac gui(which I am unable to change because the preferences button is not responding). I'm having a lot of trouble changing the interface to GTK(which is what i used to use, before the update changed to the mac gui). I'd appreciate any help anyone could give in solving my problems. What follows is a list of all the error messages I've gotten

On running vlc
[00000261] main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"[00000258] skins2 interface error: No suitable dialogs provider found
[00000258] skins2 interface: skin: VLC OSX Interface author: BigBen

On moving it around the desktop
[00000275] main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"[00000258] skins2 interface error: No suitable dialogs provider found

On clicking the preferences button
[00000278] main dialogs provider error: no dialogs provider module matched "any"[00000258] skins2 interface error: No suitable dialogs provider found

I've tried uninstalling through the package manager and reinstalling and have continually come up against the same problems..
If anyone could shed any light on this problem I'd greatly appreciate it.

Posted: 13 Oct 2005 19:54
by xtophe
Which package do you have ?

Code: Select all

dpkg -l vlc
I've just seen that the ubuntu maintainer did quite a few version lately.

Posted: 14 Oct 2005 20:17
by nkessler2000
You can try manually editing the ~/.vlc/vlcrc file to remove the skins2 interface.

Look for these lines

Code: Select all

# Interface module (string) intf=skins2
and comment out the second one or change it to Default

Of course, this won't get you the GTK2 interface. Somebody forgot to compile that into the Breezy version of VLC. You'll get an ugly Motif looking interface.

Another problem

Posted: 15 Oct 2005 15:25
by Guest
I have a problem with vlc and Breezy , usually when i play a video all system crash and my pc are reboot.

Package name :
vlc 0.8.4-svn20050920-3+hal0ubuntu3