http streaming question
Posted: 07 Feb 2016 01:54
Using VLC 2.1.6
Ubuntu 14.04
I am trying to http stream an rtsp stream to http.
the http is set up as follows
port 8080 (default)
path as /stream (I suspect this is not correct)
also set to display locally (which it does).
Transcoding options as follows:
transcoding activated
profile Video VP80 (default)
Misc options
Stream all elementary streams active
Generated stream output string:
:sout=#transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=2000,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=webm,dst=:8080/},dst=display} :sout-all :sout-keep
Then VLC starts streaming, the picture opens, VLC says it is streaming, the PC is working hard, but the picture display does not change.
Also when I try to open the new stream on another PC in VLC or a browser I cannot connect to it
I use http://IPaddress_of_streaming_pc:8080/stream
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks DAN
Using VLC 2.1.6
Ubuntu 14.04
I am trying to http stream an rtsp stream to http.
the http is set up as follows
port 8080 (default)
path as /stream (I suspect this is not correct)
also set to display locally (which it does).
Transcoding options as follows:
transcoding activated
profile Video VP80 (default)
Misc options
Stream all elementary streams active
Generated stream output string:
:sout=#transcode{vcodec=VP80,vb=2000,acodec=vorb,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:duplicate{dst=http{mux=webm,dst=:8080/},dst=display} :sout-all :sout-keep
Then VLC starts streaming, the picture opens, VLC says it is streaming, the PC is working hard, but the picture display does not change.
Also when I try to open the new stream on another PC in VLC or a browser I cannot connect to it
I use http://IPaddress_of_streaming_pc:8080/stream
Can anyone help me with this?
Thanks DAN