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Choppy Sound

Posted: 30 Sep 2005 15:54
by Guest
Ubuntu Hoary
Gnome 2.10
VLC 0.8.1
VLC-ESD plugin

my system works great and all other apps play sound without any problem
when i first installed VLC it worked good to, but today sound started to be choppy, video is perfect, it doesnt mather what lvl i have on sound so its not that i have amped it to much
this is on any videofile, mpg/avi/vob

pls if u have any ideas help me :)

Posted: 30 Sep 2005 18:28
by Guest
i forgot to say that it only sounds bad when running with soundserver and ESD plugin
if i shout down the soundserver and let VLC use the soundcard alone it sounds perfect
but i have reinstalled the plugin

Posted: 01 Oct 2005 15:12
by The DJ
Check your debug log.
Does VLC select it's ESD plugin when the ESD daemon is running?

If you have ALSA, vlc might better use your ALSA system directly instead of trough ESD. The ESD module is a bit limited.