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[Firefox] The VLC plugin with Firefox hangs on Apple HD.

Posted: 24 Sep 2005 19:52
by analogue
I have the following setup on a Debian SID:
  • Package: mozilla-firefox
  • Version: 1.0.7-1
  • Package: mozilla-plugin-vlc
  • Version: 0.8.4-svn20050920-3
(The problem was happening with the stable VLC version too)

I get a reproductible bug which happens on some websites embedding video in a specific way. The most known example is the Apple HD website.

To reproduce the bug:
  • Go to
  • Choose any available video, you'll be directed to a page with embeded small videos
  • Click on any link to get out (or click the back button or any bookmark) and Firefox freezes up
The only way to get out of this mess is to kill firefox and restart it.
As it happens quite frequently, I'm not using the Firefox plugin anymore.

VLC and Xembed extention

Posted: 01 Oct 2005 22:42
by factor
I have had this problem as well. It seems Mozilla has totally abandon the older NS4 API in favor for the newer and better Xembed extentions. So This would be nice if everyone was using it,but they are not. Realplayer seams to work(also no longer support older NS4 format), flash has some hacks to make it work with the embed stuff. For more information on Xembed and Mozilla you can go here. ... nsion.html

The the current stable release of Konqueror will work fine.
But Real Player will not work on the Konq,this is because they still do not support the newer Xembed extensions just the older NS4 ones.

The fix will be to either to add Xembed extensions to VLC or get the Firefox group to reenable the support of the older NS4 plugins.

Daniel Yount
...hack and the world hacks with you.

Posted: 05 Oct 2005 18:45
by factor
I have ran VLC under deer park firefox and got these error from the output , one of the firefox developers had told me these were error from the VLC plugin and not firefox.
so that is why I am posting these here.

[00000001] main vlc error: interface "hotkeys,none" initialization failed
[00000022] main interface error: no interface module matched "screensaver"
[00000022] main interface error: no suitable intf module
[00000001] main vlc error: interface "screensaver" initialization failed

the result on firefox is a black square that says (no picture)

Found some what of a fix.

Posted: 07 Oct 2005 19:07
by factor
Thanks to some people on the irc channel for #videolan
on I have gotten the plugin to work. But I had to upgrade to Debian Sid or "unstable" to get it to work.

I had tested the latest version of Firefox being "deer park"
and snapshots of VLC and had no good results. I had people test it on debian sarge and Fedora(FC3) still no positive results.

Then I had upgraded to debian unstable "SID" and it worked fine with pre-built deb package and with vlc plugins I have built. I will look further into which libs are at fault so everyone can just upgrade a specific lib to get it to work across the board.