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Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 05 Mar 2015 18:36
by theturtle
Hi everyone,

Today I update my VLC to 2.2.0 on gentoo and I have a problem, when I launch a video, I have two windows, one with control and everything, and the other one with the video playing, it's annoying and would like to come back to the "standard"!

I tried to change some parameters, deactivate video and reactivate it, delete my preferences but nothing changed.

The last try was to reinstall VLC 2.1.5-r1 and with this, is working perfectly in one windows.

So, anyone can give me a trick or let me know if this is a new feature of 2.2 ?

Many thanks.


Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 07 Mar 2015 13:31
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
This is not normal.

Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 07 Mar 2015 13:47
by theturtle

Thanks for your response. OK, this is normal, but do you have any tricks to come back to the old behaviour (except reinstalling 2.1.5 version) ?


Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 07 Mar 2015 14:57
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Resetting or erasing preferences should have fixed it. So I would guess this is a build issue. But without logs...

Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 07 Mar 2015 17:47
by theturtle

I erased my preferences nothing changed, and reinstalling 2.1.5 with same useflags problem isn't present.

Which logs do you need (install, compilation, useflags ?)



Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 22:47
by rocky
Hey theturtle,

it seems you are not the only one. I have the same problem:

Installed versions: 2.2.0(20:13:27 24.03.2015)(X alsa avcodec avformat dbus dvbpsi encode ffmpeg flac fontconfig gcrypt gnutls jpeg kde matroska mp3 musepack ncurses ogg opengl opus png pulseaudio qt4 samba svg swscale truetype udev upnp v4l vdpau vorbis x264 xcb xml xv -a52 -aalib -altivec -atmo -audioqueue -avahi -bidi -bluray -cdda -cddb -chromaprint -dc1394 -debug -directfb -directx -dts -dvb -dvd -dxva2 -faad -fdk -fluidsynth -gme -gnome -growl -httpd -ieee1394 -jack -kate -libass -libav -libcaca -libnotify -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -lirc -live -lua -macosx-dialog-provider -macosx-eyetv -macosx-qtkit -macosx-quartztext -media-library -modplug -mpeg -mtp -neon -omxil -opencv -optimisememory -postproc -projectm -qt5 -rdp -rtsp -run-as-root -schroedinger -sdl -sdl-image -sftp -shout -sid -skins -speex -taglib -test -theora -tremor -twolame -vaapi -vcdx -vlm -vnc -vpx -wma-fixed -x265 -zvbi CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse" ELIBC="glibc")

Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 26 Mar 2015 17:39
by theturtle
Hi Rocky,

I think that is this version that it have the problem, previous works perfectly, here my flags:

media-video/vlc-2.2.0:0/5-7::gentoo USE="X a52 alsa avcodec avformat bidi cdda dbus dts dvbpsi dvd encode ffmpeg flac gcrypt jpeg kde libnotify live lua matroska mp3 mpeg mtp ncurses ogg opengl png postproc pulseaudio qt4 sdl svg swscale theora truetype udev vlm vorbis x264 xcb xml xv -aalib (-altivec) -atmo (-audioqueue) -avahi -bluray -cddb -chromaprint -dc1394 -debug -directfb (-directx) -dvb (-dxva2) -faad -fdk -fluidsynth -fontconfig -gme -gnome -gnutls -growl -httpd -ieee1394 -jack -kate -libass -libav -libcaca -libsamplerate -libtar -libtiger -linsys -lirc (-macosx-dialog-provider) (-macosx-eyetv) (-macosx-qtkit) (-macosx-quartztext) (-media-library) -modplug -musepack (-neon) -omxil -opencv -optimisememory -opus -projectm -qt5 -rdp -rtsp -run-as-root -samba -schroedinger -sdl-image -sftp -shout -sid -skins -speex -taglib {-test} -tremor -twolame -upnp -v4l -vaapi -vcdx -vdpau -vnc -vpx -wma-fixed -x265 -zvbi" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse"

I masked 2.2.0 at this moment waiting for a new release, but please, keep me posted if you find any solutions to use it "normally".



Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 26 Mar 2015 17:44
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
I have embedded video working fine in Linux on VLC 2.2.0. Sorry but this must be a build or Gentoo problem.

Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 21:22
by evgeny
This looks similar to me:

short story: if both qt4 and qt5 (=5.4.1) are available on the system, due to automagic vlc is linked against qt5 (which apparently has issues)

Re: Gentoo vlc-2.2.0 two windows playing a video

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 22:32
by theturtle
Hi Evgeny,

Many thanks for this link, I confirm that using Karol Herbst's patches solved my problem using QT4!
