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Fedora Core 4 builld of post-0.8.2 VLC development snapshot

Posted: 13 Sep 2005 22:54
by wjc-internet2
I am doing a demo of IPv6 SSM Multicast for a conference the week of September 19. As I understand it, I need a development snapshot that contains the patch for IPv6 SSM Multicast and I need this built for Fedora Core 4 Linux.

Does anyone have a build of a post-0.8.2 VLC development snapshot after July 5, 2005 , built for Fedora Core 4 or know where I can find one? Althernately, if there are any references for building VLC on FC4, I'd settle for this.


Bill Cerveny

Nightly builds unavailable

Posted: 13 Sep 2005 23:02
by wjc-internet2
BTW, I can't reach the server that has the nightly builds, although this server doesn't appear to have Fedora Core builds.


Re: Nightly builds unavailable

Posted: 13 Sep 2005 23:40
by fkuehne
Well, that server died yesterday, but the folks in Paris are working on it to get it up again. Anyway, you are right that this server didn't create Fedora nightlies. It created nightlies for Win32, WinCE and Debian.

You can find an introduction to compile VLC on Linux here.

Note that you can install most of the 3rd party libraries through extras/contrib in a VLC-only directory now, as mentioned in the OSX-HOWTO. This utitlity uses a special linux-list, so only the really needed stuff will be built.

VLC should compile fine, since most of the development takes place on Linux (no Fedora though, but Debian-Testing).

BTW. Source snapshots are not available at the moment (they were also created by the dead server), so you will need to use svn to check out the current trunk, but that's the better choice anyway from my point of view.

Posted: 14 Sep 2005 00:59
by dionoea
the (new) nightly builds server should be back tomorrow. Watch the news on ...