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Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 22 Apr 2012 22:16
by sjlopezb

The problem that I have, that when I want to record a thing of mine with video and audio simultaneously with the VLC 2.0.1, a few times works out for me cut off and others not.

The fact is that I want to create a video to reproduce it like any other, but for particular use or for increases to Youtube and the others (to make it public, of course).

I have all these parameters of the VLC in way it captures with video for Linux 2.

I usually use/dev/video0 for the camera of the portable one and 'hw:0,0' for audio.

The above mentioned parameters that I take almost as a defect, are these:

:v4l2-standard= :input-slave=alsa://hw:0,0 :v4l2-chroma=MJPG :v4l2-input=0 :v4l2-audio-input=-1 :v4l2-width=-1 :v4l2-height=-1 :v4l2-aspect-ratio=4\:3 :v4l2-fps=0 :no-v4l2-use-libv4l2 :v4l2-tuner=0 :v4l2-tuner-frequency=-1 :v4l2-tuner-audio-mode=1 :no-v4l2-controls-reset :v4l2-brightness=-1 :v4l2-brightness-auto=-1 :v4l2-contrast=-1 :v4l2-saturation=-1 :v4l2-hue=-1 :v4l2-hue-auto=-1 :v4l2-white-balance-temperature=-1 :v4l2-auto-white-balance=-1 :v4l2-red-balance=-1 :v4l2-blue-balance=-1 :v4l2-gamma=-1 :v4l2-autogain=-1 :v4l2-gain=-1 :v4l2-sharpness=-1 :v4l2-chroma-gain=-1 :v4l2-chroma-gain-auto=-1 :v4l2-power-line-frequency=-1 :v4l2-backlight-compensation=-1 :v4l2-band-stop-filter=-1 :no-v4l2-hflip :no-v4l2-vflip :v4l2-rotate=-1 :v4l2-color-killer=-1 :v4l2-color-effect=-1 :v4l2-audio-volume=5000 :v4l2-audio-balance=-1 :no-v4l2-audio-mute :v4l2-audio-bass=-1 :v4l2-audio-treble=-1 :no-v4l2-audio-loudness :v4l2-set-ctrls= :live-caching=300

Do I have to retouch anything of the parameters of the VLC so that it does not have cut off on having recorded sound under video? The only thing that I have this is also:

ALSA lib pcm.c:7339:(snd_pcm_recover) overrun occurred

Use Debian Sid (Wheezy/Sid)

Thanks a lot.

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 13:28
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
Does the problem occur when simply playing the stream instead of recording? Does it also happen with the PulseAudio input in VLC 2.0.2? What happens with VLC 2.1 git and the new V4L2 input?

From the error message, it looks like the ALSA input needs fixing, but it could also be a problem in streaming.

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 23 Apr 2012 16:28
by sjlopezb
Bah. I hope that a few days I hope 2.1 are extracted and are solved. I believe that it is another thing more than the services that I have till now. It doesn't worry me, because I know that this happens occasionally.

It´s not important.


Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 09:24
by evaxige
Hi sjlopezb,
I have some problem, but I found in my system there has a conflict with alsa driver and bt87x(sound card driver). Alsa use 44100Hz sample rate default, but bt87x use 32000Hz, so it happend.
I change the file /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, add line "options snd_bt87x digital_rate=32000" in end.

ps. Sorry my poor english.

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 13 Jul 2012 15:01
by sjlopezb

No problem evaxige. I problem resolv this line your indicates. ;-))

Greetings...and thank's.

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 20:46
by sjlopezb
Nothing is happening.

I do not know what to do, i have no other way that allows me to not have these cuts, but other programs do not pass.

Only happens in vlc in other.

I do not use snd_bt87x, from nothing.

With many other programs do not pass these things.

Only in the VLC.


Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 20:54
by sjlopezb
It is the VLCRC. I deleted it and it works. Something is not working with regular drivers I have.

Without VLCRC work for me.

I think I know what it was.

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 20:59
by sjlopezb
I found this line:


Would be that. Or at least, is what is not tobacco.

So now, I'm editing the vlcrc to have other values ​​are correct and those not.

Thank's. :-))

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 21:15
by sjlopezb
I'll go CRAZY

It is not. And I do not know where to start.

Quick fix? Clear vlcrc.

There is no other.


Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 00:01
by pabluk
I had the same problem using VLC 2.0.3 on Ubuntu 12.04, but I fixed it installing the latest version with the videolan ppa

Code: Select all

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/master-daily $ sudo apt-get install vlc libvlc5
Now i'm using the version 2.1.0~~git20121207+r2256-0~r90~precise1 and it's works! :D

Re: Sound cut off to recording of video via v4l2

Posted: 09 Dec 2012 00:15
by sjlopezb
Pse... I'm with Debian Sid, I do not worth that.
But anyway, thank you very much, because soon there will be a new version for Debian.