Sony playstation 3 and vlc media player

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Sony playstation 3 and vlc media player

Postby garreyf » 12 Jan 2007 20:46

Hi, I was hoping somebody could help me out as I am a total linux novice.
Just bought the sony playstation 3 and I am about to install linux so that I can install VLC. However, my research shows that people are having extreme difficulty. So, here are my questions and thanks in advance.

1. Sony recommends yellow dog linux. However, many are choosing to install Fedora. Is it easier to install vlc on YDL vs Fedora. And, is Fedora far more superior than YDL?

2. Installing VLC is tricky given one has to download other ??? repositories. Can someone point to a single link where one could download all of it at once. Or. is there a link explaining in detail how to load all the files. It is very confusing to me.

3. General comment: VLC is awesome and thanks to all for it...and I want to get it to work with my new linux. However, my complete inxexperience with linux may prevent this.

Please help. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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VLC version: 4.0.0-git
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Location: Cone, France

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 13 Jan 2007 01:20

1. Fedora Core is a more spread than YDL, so it is a bit more popular for the community.

2. If you just need to install VLC, it should be easy.... But, I think you will have to recompile VLC, and this is tricky.... You need a lot of dependencies but you must be brave.

3. Thanks.
Try first to install the rpms you can find of VLC for PowerPC... Then come back and we are going to do the thing.....
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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Re: Sony playstation 3 and vlc media player

Postby rkotecha » 18 Jan 2007 20:59

I managed to get it working. The key thing is to get YUM configured properly. You need to add FreshRPMS and a Fedora REPO (forget which one.) Once you've done that the rest is as easy as:
yum install vlc (or something like that, the actual package may be called VideoLAN 0.8.5 blahblahblah).

In any case if you're having problems you can find more info here:
Hi, I was hoping somebody could help me out as I am a total linux novice.
Just bought the sony playstation 3 and I am about to install linux so that I can install VLC. However, my research shows that people are having extreme difficulty. So, here are my questions and thanks in advance.

1. Sony recommends yellow dog linux. However, many are choosing to install Fedora. Is it easier to install vlc on YDL vs Fedora. And, is Fedora far more superior than YDL?

2. Installing VLC is tricky given one has to download other ??? repositories. Can someone point to a single link where one could download all of it at once. Or. is there a link explaining in detail how to load all the files. It is very confusing to me.

3. General comment: VLC is awesome and thanks to all for it...and I want to get it to work with my new linux. However, my complete inxexperience with linux may prevent this.

Please help. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 12 Jan 2007 20:36

Thanks JB and rkotecha

Postby garreyf » 24 Jan 2007 20:06

I finally installed YDL last night on the ps3.
Now, i will follow your VLC suggestions.
Thanks! much appreciated.

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