Hi all,
I am currently writing a script in MATLAB with the aim of opening a video in vlc, having it paused on the first frame, wait for a keyboard press of the user and then play the video that is already open in vlc.
What I seem to be missing is how to tell vlc to play the video that is already open, and not open another window.
Here is part of the script I am using
openPaused_command = sprintf('"%s" --qt-fullscreen-screennumber=1 --no-video-title-show --start-paused --start-time=0.5 "%s &"', vlcPath, videoPath);
play_command = 'xdotool key space';
[~, keyCode, ~] = KbStrokeWait;
I am working on an ubuntu partition.
Thank you to anyone who might have insights on this!
Cheers from Italy