WinTV PVR 150 with Linux???

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 29 Dec 2005 08:01

WinTV PVR 150 with Linux???

Postby dw » 09 Jan 2006 23:57

I'm trying to figure out if vlc supports the WinTV-PVR-150 encoder card under Linux.

The documentation only discusses the 250 and 350 models, but when I look through the forum, it appears as if some people are using the 150 card. Is that only under MS Windows?

I'm currently trying to use the WinTV card on my Debian (sarge) v2.6 server.



Postby Jim » 29 Jan 2006 04:53

Hmmm . . . Your post is a few days old, but with no replies.

I just found vlc tonight, and installed it. I already have the PVR-150 (not the media center edition) running on my Gentoo box. I simply installed vlc ('emerge vlc' as usual for Gentoo), ran it, went to

file|open capture device|PVR|OK

and away it went!

I could even check 'stream output' then give it a file name, and it saved the mpeg stream while I watched it! Frankly, I've rarely had things work that well.

The only catch is I was already successfully using the PVR-150. Have you done this, using the ivtv driver? That seems to be the key.

Hope it works for you!


Postby Jangie » 16 Mar 2006 05:48

Just as a confirmation, I was able to run vlc and stream to my windows laptop (joy joy joy) from a SuSE 9.1 box with a PVR-150.

On a completely different tangent, it would be awesome if mythTV had a windows frontend... but yeah. heh.

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