I am using vlc toghether with ccrypt (http://ccrypt.sourceforge.net/) to play some clips that I have previously encrypted using ccrypt.
Ccrypy is good for this (imho of course) because has an option that uncrypt on the fly and it's possibile to use it as a cat command, so it's possible to pipe the uncrypted clip to vlc and play it without have to uncrypt the file to a temp location. The command I use, that works well is this:
./ccrypt -c -K mypwd ./myclip.mkv.cpt | vlc --quiet -I dummy --no-osd --one-instance --no-interact --play-and-stop --play-and-exit -
my problem is that i have to send multiple files to play, and for obvious reason i cannot use a playlist, so doing this causes the vlc to flash (close and open) every time a clip finishes. Is there anyone who can help me resolving this issue? I need a way to play lot of file from pipe one after other keeping player open. thanks in advice