VLC 3.0 RC 5 4K Hardware acceleration?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 35
Joined: 02 Jan 2012 11:58

VLC 3.0 RC 5 4K Hardware acceleration?

Postby shag00 » 30 Dec 2017 13:06

I have 2 Ubuntu 17.10 systems. A couple of the press releases about this version of VLC mention hardware acceleration but I can not find it in preferences anywhere.

Anyway, one of my systems an I5(an old 2500K) with no video card plays 4K UHD without problem my I3 system with a GEForce 1050 video card can play 1080 flawlessly but gives up on 4K after a few seconds of play. Seems like there is some problem here as I feel this system should be able to play this content if in fact there is hardware acceleration. PSensor shows 95% CPU and 20% GPU utilization.

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