can't display udp streams on fc4

*nix specific usage questions

can't display udp streams on fc4

Postby golgotha » 01 Dec 2005 15:04

vlc works great for me with local files of all types. Never a problem.

However, some guys in our office setup some kind of box receiving sattelite channels and all the windows people here installed vlc, ran it, set it to receive udp://@ and they were all watching.

No problem I think. I apt-get most of the required packages for vlc (grabbing the libebml package from another source). It's runs fine with local video files, but I am not getting a display when trying the network stream.

Launching vlc with -vvv option doesn't give me any clues as to what is wrong. The last lines of -vvv when trying to stream is:

Code: Select all

[00000276] main access debug: net: connecting to '[]:0@[]:1234' [00000276] main access debug: looking for network module: 1 candidate [00000276] ipv6 access debug: Address family for hostname not supported [00000055] main module debug: using network module "ipv6" [00000055] main module debug: unlocking module "ipv6" [00000276] main access debug: looking for network module: 1 candidate [00000274] main input debug: thread 79874992 (input) created at priority 0 (src/input/input.c:230) [00000276] ipv4 access debug: IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP multicast request [00000074] main module debug: using network module "ipv4" [00000074] main module debug: unlocking module "ipv4" [00000203] main module debug: using access2 module "access_udp" [00000280] main private debug: pre buffering
It then just doesn't do anything more. The GUI comes up, but just sits there. There are no errors or any other indication something is wrong.

Should I attempt to compile the packages and libraries by hand? If anyone can offer any direction at all, it would be very helpful.



Postby Guest » 01 Dec 2005 15:09

Let me point out that by saying that "the GUI comes up", I am referring to the navigation controls, not the display window.

Also, sometimes when I try, after the prebuffering message, I get this line:
[00000274] main input debug: thread 107137968 (input) created at priority 0 (src/input/input.c:230)


Postby Guest » 01 Dec 2005 15:51

disregard, it appears it was a firewall problem *slaps head*


Postby Guest » 01 Dec 2005 16:13

ok, I hate to double post (quadruple post?), but although it works, it only works for a few minutes and then the stream freezes with this error:

[00000280] main private error: cannot pre fill buffer

The other windows machines here are not freezing, so it doesn't appear to be a stream error.

Anything I can try?

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