We have two instances of VLC 2.1.5 feeding a remote re-broadcaster. They are doing identical jobs with two separate cameras, yet one of them is leaking memory badly.
When first started the processes look like this:
25382 user 20 0 733032 21200 8100 S 4.3 0.1 0:00.56 vlc
25377 user 20 0 733032 21260 8100 S 4.0 0.1 0:00.54 vlc
But after a few hours, they look like this:
25382 user 20 0 733032 25744 8104 S 4.3 0.2 3:21.16 vlc
25377 user 20 0 1322856 608024 8124 S 3.7 3.7 2:48.53 vlc
In 2.1.4 both would slowly leak memory until they had to be restarted. So one is much better, the other much worse.
Both are running with a command like this:
/usr/bin/cvlc -d -q 'http://user:password@ ... ty=Clarity' --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=100,width=240,height=208,fps=9}:rtp{dst=IP.AD.DR.ES,port-video=7990,ttl=64,sdp=file:///usr/local/movies/file.sdp,name=streamname}'
I can help debug this, just tell me what to do.
Thanks for any help you can offer.