Issues with video capture from Hauppauge USB-Live 2

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Issues with video capture from Hauppauge USB-Live 2

Postby RayDeCampo » 27 Feb 2015 01:57

I am trying to capture video via a Hauppage USB-Live 2 device using VLC and saving the results to a file. There are no issues when I simply view the input using VLC. When I try to save the results to a file, it works for a variable amount of time but usually not very long. There is no indication from VLC when the output is no longer being sent to the file. The only way I know is that the resulting file is not as long as it should be.

I have taken to watching the output file size, this gives me a good idea when the output is no longer being saved to the file. I turned on debugging and I get the following message right before the file stops growing:

Code: Select all

Access_alsa warning: cannot read samples: Broken pipe
I would appreciate any advice to mitigate or further troubleshoot the issue.

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