I have to live stream a video, acquired from a decklink card, to an Android application.
I tried both HTTP and RTSP streaming, with mixed results :
- HTTP : works on the Android device in Android VLC, but not if I try to get the video in my own android app using a VideoView. Does anyone know how is it achived in Android VLC ? It works only in wifi, not in 3G, but it may be a network problem, as in 3G I have to use a VNC
- RTSP : it just doesn't work, even in Android VLC :/ . It should be possible, as I am able to play some RTSP videos I found on the web in my VideoView. But when I try with my video (working in desktop VLC and QuickTime), I get the "RTSP/1.0 461 Unsupported transport" error/
Any idea ?