I compiled vlc 2.0.1 from source to get the latest stable version and check a playlist possible bug. I use Linux Mint Debian Edition (which follows Debian Testing kinda close), which currently has 2.0.0.
I configured with "--disable -lua" switch, since I couldn't settle luac dependency, even after installing libcsnd-dev and liblua5.1-luacsnd5.2. I could resolve other dependencies to the point "./configure" passed without errors, but it gave me a bunch of warnings. "make" was OK. I just didn't do "make install", not to mess with my current vlc installation.
I tried to run vlc from the cli, but it halted with the following message:
Code: Select all
me@computer ~/Programas/Multimídia/vlc-2.0.1 $ ./vlc
VLC media player 2.0.1 Twoflower (revision 2.0.1-0-gf432547)
[0x9716468] main interface error: no suitable interface module
[0x96a09d8] main libvlc error: interface "globalhotkeys,none" initialization failed
[0x96a09d8] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Remote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.
Could I be missing some module? I also tried installing libvlc5 and libvlc-dev, but the error kept the same. Or should I have paid more attention to the ./configure warnings?
Many thanks,