Playback of mp3 & avi stumbles

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 19 Jun 2008 14:15

Playback of mp3 & avi stumbles

Postby Felidae » 25 Apr 2009 12:42

I installed the VLC media player for Fedora 10 but if I play mp3 or avi files, the sound stumbles. I discussed with the community from and I found a "workaround" there: Edit "/etc/pulse/" and change row "load-module module-hal-detect" to "load-module module-hal-detect tsched=0". It works better now, the interferences are smaler. But when I listen to a well known song, I detect some little differences compared with Windows VLC playback.

Can you help me? What's the Problem under Linux?

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