I've tried to build my own vlc package using the sources from nightlies.videolan.org for hardy x86: http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/har ... 5-1.tar.gz.
I didn't take the binaries because they seem to come without asa and csri support and I need this feature for softsubbed video files. I didn't get the code from git because I want a debian package and I cannot find the debian directory in git.
I added 2 additional switches to debian/rules:
Then I've installed any dependencies for vlc by apt-get build-dep vlc and tried to build a package by entering
Code: Select all
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage
after some compile time I get the following error:
Code: Select all
# Check that we did not install a plugin linked with libX11 in vlc-nox
BORKED=no; \
for file in $(find debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc -name '*.so'); do \
if ldd $file | grep -q libX11; then \
BORKED=yes; \
echo $file depends on libX11; \
fi; \
done; \
if test "$BORKED" = yes; then exit 1; fi
debian/vlc-nox/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so depends on libX11
make: *** [install] Fehler 1