avi converted to mp4 missing audio

*nix specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 22 Nov 2006 22:53

avi converted to mp4 missing audio

Postby bmcneely0 » 23 Nov 2006 00:08

I apologize now for the verbosity of this post. I admit that I'm a newbie with vlc (just started yesterday). I'm trying to use it to see if I can create mp4 files to transfer to a video ipod before I actually buy the video ipod and get stuck with a Windoze only situation (I've been using gnupod and gtkpod very successfully for a year with my ipod shuffle and would like to continue to use Linux with a video ipod). Anyway, I'm running version 0.8.5 on SuSE 10.0. I can play the avi file and hear the audio but when I use this script I found on another forum, it creates the mp4 but the audio is dropped:

base=`echo $1 | gawk -F. '{print $1}' `

echo "$1 $base"

vlc -vvv "$1" :sout="#transcode{vcodec=mp4v,vb=1024,scale=1,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2}:standard{access=file,url=$base.mp4}" vlc:quit --aspect-ratio "4:3" --sout-transcode-width 360 --sout-transcode-height 240 --sout-transcode-fps 30

Here are the message that are generated during the conversion:
test.avi test
VLC media player 0.8.5 Janus
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /home/bmcneely/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file /home/bmcneely/.vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `modules'
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/lib/vlc'
[00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `plugins'
[00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 223 modules
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /home/bmcneely/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX 3DNow! MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU
[00000001] main vlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 4 candidates
[00000001] main vlc debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
[00000286] main playlist debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000286] main playlist debug: thread 1090984880 (playlist) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:184)
[00000287] main private debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000287] main private debug: thread 1093086128 (preparser) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:210)
[00000288] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000288] main interface debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
[00000288] main interface debug: thread 1095187376 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000290] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
[00000290] main interface debug: using interface module "screensaver"
[00000290] main interface debug: thread 1097288624 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
[00000286] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `vlc:quit' ( vlc:quit )
[00000286] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `test.avi' ( test.avi )
[00000292] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 5 candidates
[00000292] main interface debug: using interface module "wxwidgets"
[00000292] main interface debug: thread 1118010288 (manager) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:216)
[00000292] wxwidgets interface debug: Using last windows config '(-1,0,0,1024,768)(0,508,187,353,82)(6,0,0,-1,150)'
[00000292] wxwidgets interface debug: id=0 p=(508,187) s=(353,82)
[00000292] wxwidgets interface debug: id=6 p=(0,0) s=(-1,150)
[00000286] main playlist debug: nothing requested, starting
[00000286] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000295] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000295] main input debug: thread 1149381552 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:261)
[00000295] main input debug: creating statistics handler
[00000297] main stream output debug: stream=`transcode'
[00000298] main private debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
[00000297] main stream output debug: stream=`standard'
[00000301] main private debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
[00000301] main private debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to file
[00000301] main private warning: Option sout-standard-url is deprecated. You should use sout-standard-dst instead.
[00000301] main private debug: set sout option: sout-standard-dst to test.mp4
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: creating `file/(null)://test.mp4'
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: extension is mp4
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: extension -> mux=mp4
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: using `file/mp4://test.mp4'
[00000303] main private debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate
[00000303] access_output_file private debug: file access output opened (`test.mp4')
[00000303] main private debug: using sout access module "access_output_file"
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: access opened
[00000305] main private debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: Mp4 muxer opend
[00000305] main private debug: using sout mux module "mux_mp4"
[00000301] stream_out_standard private debug: mux opened
[00000301] main private debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-vcodec to mp4v
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-vb to 1024
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-scale to 1
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-acodec to mp4a
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-ab to 128
[00000298] main private debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-channels to 2
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: codec audio=mp4a 0Hz 2 channels 128Kb/s
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private warning: bad aspect ratio
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: codec video=mp4v 360x240 scaling: 1.000000 1024kb/s
[00000298] main private debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_transcode"
[00000295] main input debug: `test.avi' gives access `' demux `' path `test.avi'
[00000295] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='test.avi'
[00000307] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
[00000295] main input debug: creating access '' path='test.avi'
[00000310] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
[00000310] vcd access debug: trying .cue file: test.cue
[00000310] access_file access debug: opening file `test.avi'
[00000310] main access debug: using access2 module "access_file"
[00000315] main private debug: pre-buffering...
[00000315] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000315] main private debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 270804 kbytes/s
[00000295] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='test.avi'
[00000316] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 44 candidates
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:46464952 (RIFF) size:5068704 pos:0
[00000315] avi private debug: found LIST chunk: 'AVI '
[00000315] avi private debug: <list 'AVI '>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:474 pos:12
[00000315] avi private debug: found LIST chunk: 'hdrl'
[00000315] avi private debug: <list 'hdrl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:68697661 (avih) size:56 pos:24
[00000315] avi private debug: avih: streams:2 flags: HAS_INDEX 320x240
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:124 pos:88
[00000315] avi private debug: found LIST chunk: 'strl'
[00000315] avi private debug: <list 'strl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:68727473 (strh) size:64 pos:100
[00000315] avi private debug: strh: type:vids handler:0x3467706d samplesize:0 15.00fps
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:66727473 (strf) size:40 pos:172
[00000315] avi private debug: strf: video:MPG4 320x240 planes:1 24bpp
[00000315] avi private debug: </list 'strl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:100 pos:220
[00000315] avi private debug: found LIST chunk: 'strl'
[00000315] avi private debug: <list 'strl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:68727473 (strh) size:64 pos:232
[00000315] avi private debug: strh: type:auds handler:0x00000000 samplesize:1 16000.00fps
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:66727473 (strf) size:16 pos:304
[00000315] avi private debug: strf: audio:0x0001 channels:1 16000Hz 8bits/sample 125kb/s
[00000315] avi private debug: </list 'strl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:54465349 (ISFT) size:75 pos:328
[00000315] avi private debug: ISFT: software : -AVICAP32- MSVIDEO: Brooktree Bt848 Capture Driver, Version:
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:504f4349 (ICOP) size:40 pos:412
[00000315] avi private debug: ICOP: copyright : Copyright Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:54494449 (IDIT) size:26 pos:460
[00000315] avi private debug: IDIT: digitalization time : Sun May 6 18:14:26 2001
[00000315] avi private debug: </list 'hdrl'>
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:4b4e554a (JUNK) size:2046 pos:494
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:5453494c (LIST) size:5044228 pos:2548
[00000315] avi private debug: skipping movi chunk
[00000315] avi private debug: found Chunk fourcc:31786469 (idx1) size:21920 pos:5046784
[00000315] avi private debug: idx1: index entry:1370
[00000315] avi private debug: </list 'AVI '>
[00000315] avi private debug: * LIST-root size:5068712 pos:0
[00000315] avi private debug: + RIFF-AVI size:5068704 pos:0
[00000315] avi private debug: | + LIST-hdrl size:474 pos:12
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + avih size:56 pos:24
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + LIST-strl size:124 pos:88
[00000315] avi private debug: | | | + strh size:64 pos:100
[00000315] avi private debug: | | | + strf size:40 pos:172
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + LIST-strl size:100 pos:220
[00000315] avi private debug: | | | + strh size:64 pos:232
[00000315] avi private debug: | | | + strf size:16 pos:304
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + ISFT size:75 pos:328
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + ICOP size:40 pos:412
[00000315] avi private debug: | | + IDIT size:26 pos:460
[00000315] avi private debug: | + JUNK size:2046 pos:494
[00000315] avi private debug: | + LIST-movi size:5044228 pos:2548
[00000315] avi private debug: | + idx1 size:21920 pos:5046784
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: AVIH: 2 stream, flags HAS_INDEX
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[0] rate:1000000 scale:66676 samplesize:0
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[0] video(MPG4) 320x240 24bpp 14.997900fps
[00000295] main input debug: selecting program id=0
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[1] rate:16000 scale:1 samplesize:1
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[1] audio(0x1) 1 channels 16000Hz 8bits
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: no key frame set for track 1
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[0] created 1286 index entries
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[1] created 84 index entries
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[0] length:85 (based on index)
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: stream[1] length:85 (based on index)
[00000316] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "avi"
[00000295] main input debug: looking for a subtitle file in /home/bmcneely/tmp/
[00000318] main packetizer debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
[00000318] main packetizer debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy"
[00000295] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000349] main packetizer debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
[00000349] main packetizer debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy"
[00000295] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000295] main input debug: starting in asynch mode
[00000295] main input debug: meta information:
[00000295] main input debug: - 'Setting' = ' HAS_INDEX'
[00000295] main input debug: `test.avi' successfully opened
[00000316] avi demuxer debug: old:0 < new 0
[00000297] main stream output debug: adding a new input
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: creating video transcoding from fcc=`DIV1' to fcc=`mp4v'
[00000350] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 25 candidates
[00000350] ffmpeg decoder debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 3346432 )
[00000350] ffmpeg decoder debug: postprocessing disabled
[00000350] ffmpeg decoder debug: using direct rendering
[00000350] ffmpeg decoder debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v1) started
[00000350] main decoder debug: using decoder module "ffmpeg"
[00000351] main encoder debug: looking for encoder module: 9 candidates
[00000351] ffmpeg encoder debug: libavcodec already initialized
[00000351] ffmpeg encoder debug: found encoder MPEG-4 Video
[00000351] main encoder debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
[00000351] main encoder debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: drift is too high, resetting master sync
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: decoder aspect is 576000:432000
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: source pixel aspect is 1.000000:1
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: scaled pixel aspect is 0.888889:1
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: source 320x240, crop 320x240, destination 360x240, padding 360x240
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: encoder aspect is 576000:432000
[00000351] main encoder debug: looking for encoder module: 9 candidates
[00000351] ffmpeg encoder debug: libavcodec already initialized
[00000351] ffmpeg encoder debug: removing common factors from framerate
[00000351] ffmpeg encoder debug: found encoder MPEG-4 Video
[00000351] main encoder debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
[00000305] main private debug: adding a new input
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: adding input
[00000361] main private debug: looking for crop padd module: 1 candidate
[00000361] ffmpeg private debug: input: 360x240 -> 320x240
[00000361] ffmpeg private debug: input: 320x240 I420 -> 360x240 I420
[00000361] ffmpeg private debug: libavcodec already initialized
[00000361] main private debug: using crop padd module "ffmpeg"
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: drift is too high, resetting master sync
[00000297] main stream output debug: adding a new input
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`u8 ' to fcc=`mp4a'
[00000362] main decoder debug: looking for decoder module: 25 candidates
[00000362] araw decoder debug: samplerate:16000Hz channels:1 bits/sample:8
[00000362] main decoder debug: using decoder module "araw"
[00000363] main encoder debug: looking for encoder module: 9 candidates
[00000363] ffmpeg encoder debug: libavcodec already initialized
[00000363] ffmpeg encoder warning: libfaac doesn't support this output format!
[00000363] ffmpeg encoder error: cannot open encoder
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot find encoder
[00000362] main decoder debug: removing module "araw"
[00000298] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create audio chain
[00000349] main packetizer error: cannot create packetizer output (u8 )
[00000316] avi demuxer warning: cannot skip packet, track disabled
[00000318] main packetizer debug: removing module "packetizer_copy"
[00000318] main packetizer debug: killing decoder fourcc `MPG4', 0 PES in FIFO
[00000297] main stream output debug: removing an input
[00000350] ffmpeg decoder debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v1) stopped
[00000350] main decoder debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
[00000351] main encoder debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
[00000361] main private debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: removing input
[00000305] main private warning: no more input streams for this mux
[00000349] main packetizer debug: removing module "packetizer_copy"
[00000349] main packetizer debug: killing decoder fourcc `araw', 0 PES in FIFO
[00000295] main input debug: EOF reached
[00000295] main input debug: closing input
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk avih
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk strh
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk strf
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk LIST
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk strh
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk strf
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk LIST
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk ISFT
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk ICOP
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk IDIT
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk LIST
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk JUNK
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk LIST
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk idx1
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk RIFF
[00000315] avi private debug: free chunk LIST
[00000316] main demuxer debug: removing module "avi"
[00000310] main access debug: removing module "access_file"
[00000295] main input debug: destroying sout
[00000298] main private debug: destroying chain... (name=transcode)
[00000301] main private debug: destroying chain... (name=standard)
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: Close
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: movie duration 85s
[00000305] mux_mp4 private debug: created 1 chunks (stco)
[00000305] main private debug: removing module "mux_mp4"
[00000303] access_output_file private debug: file access output closed
[00000303] main private debug: removing module "access_output_file"
[00000301] main private debug: removing module "stream_out_standard"
[00000301] main private debug: destroying chain done
[00000298] main private debug: removing module "stream_out_transcode"
[00000298] main private debug: destroying chain done
[00000295] main input debug: thread 1149381552 joined (input/input.c:399)
[00000286] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000368] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000368] main input debug: thread 1149381552 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:261)
[00000368] main input debug: `vlc:quit' gives access `vlc' demux `' path `quit'
[00000368] main input debug: creating demux: access='vlc' demux='' path='quit'
[00000369] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 0 candidates
[00000369] main demuxer warning: no access_demux module matched "vlc"
[00000368] main input debug: creating access 'vlc' path='quit'
[00000370] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 7 candidates
[00000370] main access debug: using access2 module "dummy"
[00000379] main private debug: pre-buffering...
[00000379] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000379] main private debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 486720 kbytes/s
[00000368] main input debug: creating demux: access='vlc' demux='vlc' path='quit'
[00000380] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 1 candidate
[00000380] dummy demuxer: command `quit'
[00000380] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "dummy"
[00000368] main input debug: looking for a subtitle file in /home/bmcneely/tmp/
[00000368] main input debug: `vlc:quit' successfully opened
[00000368] main input debug: EOF reached
[00000368] main input debug: closing input
[00000380] main demuxer debug: removing module "dummy"
[00000370] main access debug: removing module "dummy"
[00000368] main input debug: thread 1149381552 joined (input/input.c:399)
[00000286] main playlist: nothing to play
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all interfaces
[00000292] main interface debug: thread 1118010288 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000292] main interface debug: removing module "wxwidgets"
[00000290] main interface debug: thread 1097288624 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000290] main interface debug: removing module "screensaver"
[00000288] main interface debug: thread 1095187376 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
[00000288] main interface debug: removing module "hotkeys"
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing playlist handler
[00000287] main private debug: thread 1093086128 joined (playlist/playlist.c:247)
[00000286] main playlist debug: thread 1090984880 joined (playlist/playlist.c:248)
[00000286] main playlist debug: deleting playlist item `test.avi'
[00000286] main playlist: stopping playback
[00000286] main playlist debug: deleting playlist item `vlc:quit'
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all video outputs
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing all audio outputs
[00000001] main vlc debug: removing module "memcpymmxext"
[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /home/bmcneely/.vlc/vlcrc
[00000001] main vlc debug: saving plugins cache file /home/bmcneely/.vlc/cache/plugins-04041e.dat

Here is my configuration file:
### VLC media player - version 0.8.5 Janus - (c) 1996-2006 the VideoLAN team

### lines begining with a '#' character are comments

[main] # main program

# Enable audio (boolean)
# Default audio volume (integer)
# Audio output volume step (integer)
# Audio output frequency (Hz) (integer)
# High quality audio resampling (boolean)
# Use S/PDIF when available (boolean)
# Force detection of Dolby Surround (integer)
# Audio desynchronization compensation (integer)
# Audio output module (string)
# Audio filters (string)
# Audio visualizations (string)
# Enable video (boolean)
# Grayscale video output (boolean)
# Fullscreen video output (boolean)
# Drop late frames (boolean)
# Skip frames (boolean)
# Quiet synchro (boolean)
# Overlay video output (boolean)
# Always on top (boolean)
# Disable screensaver (boolean)
# Video snapshot directory (string)
# Video snapshot format (string)
# Display video snapshot preview (boolean)
# Video width (integer)
# Video height (integer)
# Video X coordinate (integer)
# Video Y coordinate (integer)
# Video cropping (string)
# Source aspect ratio (string)
# Monitor pixel aspect ratio (string)
# Fix HDTV height (boolean)
# Window decorations (boolean)
# Video title (string)
# Video alignment (integer)
# Zoom video (float)
# Video output module (string)
# Video filter module (string)
# Enable sub-pictures (boolean)
# On Screen Display (boolean)
# Text rendering module (string)
# Use subtitle file (string)
# Autodetect subtitle files (boolean)
# Subtitle autodetection fuzziness (integer)
# Subtitle autodetection paths (string)
#sub-autodetect-path=./Subtitles, ./subtitles
# Force subtitle position (integer)
# Subpictures filter module (string)
# Program (integer)
# Programs (string)
# Audio track (integer)
# Subtitles track (integer)
# Audio language (string)
# Subtitle language (string)
# Audio track ID (integer)
# Subtitles track ID (integer)
# Input repetitions (integer)
# Start time (integer)
# Stop time (integer)
# Input list (string)
# Input slave (experimental) (string)
# Bookmarks list for a stream (string)
# DVD device (string)
# VCD device (string)
# Audio CD device (string)
# UDP port (integer)
# MTU of the network interface (integer)
# Force IPv6 (boolean)
# Force IPv4 (boolean)
# TCP connection timeout (integer)
# SOCKS server (string)
# SOCKS user name (string)
# SOCKS password (string)
# Title metadata (string)
# Author metadata (string)
# Artist metadata (string)
# Genre metadata (string)
# Copyright metadata (string)
# Description metadata (string)
# Date metadata (string)
# URL metadata (string)
# Clock reference average counter (integer)
# Clock synchronisation (integer)
# Network synchronisation (boolean)
# Preferred decoders list (string)
# Preferred encoders list (string)
# Access module (string)
# Access filter module (string)
# Demux module (string)
# Default stream output chain (string)
# Display while streaming (boolean)
# Keep stream output open (boolean)
# Enable streaming of all ES (boolean)
# Enable audio stream output (boolean)
# Enable video stream output (boolean)
# Enable SPU stream output (boolean)
# VLM configuration file (string)
# Mux module (string)
# Access output module (string)
# Hop limit (TTL) (integer)
# IPv6 multicast output interface (string)
# IPv4 multicast output interface address (string)
# Preferred packetizer list (string)
# Control SAP flow (boolean)
# SAP announcement interval (integer)
# Enable FPU support (boolean)
# Enable CPU MMX support (boolean)
# Enable CPU 3D Now! support (boolean)
# Enable CPU MMX EXT support (boolean)
# Enable CPU SSE support (boolean)
# Enable CPU SSE2 support (boolean)
# Memory copy module (string)
# Use a plugins cache (boolean)
# Modules search path (string)
# Minimize number of threads (boolean)
# Allow real-time priority (boolean)
# Adjust VLC priority (integer)
# Play files randomly forever (boolean)
# Repeat all (boolean)
# Repeat current item (boolean)
# Play and stop (boolean)
# Default stream (string)
# Automatically preparse files (boolean)
# Services discovery modules (string)
# Verbosity (0,1,2) (integer)
# Be quiet (boolean)
# Run as daemon process (boolean)
# Log to file (boolean)
# Log to syslog (boolean)
# Language (string)
# Color messages (boolean)
# Show advanced options (boolean)
# Show interface with mouse (boolean)
# Collect statistics (boolean)
# Interface module (string)
# Extra interface modules (string)
# Control interfaces (string)
# Fullscreen (key)
# Play/Pause (key)
# Pause only (key)
# Play only (key)
# Faster (key)
# Slower (key)
# Next (key)
# Previous (key)
# Stop (key)
# Position (key)
# Very short backwards jump (key)
# Very short forward jump (key)
# Short backwards jump (key)
# Short forward jump (key)
# Medium backwards jump (key)
# Medium forward jump (key)
# Long backwards jump (key)
# Long forward jump (key)
# Activate (key)
# Navigate up (key)
# Navigate down (key)
# Navigate left (key)
# Navigate right (key)
# Go to the DVD menu (key)
# Select previous DVD title (key)
# Select next DVD title (key)
# Select prev DVD chapter (key)
# Select next DVD chapter (key)
# Quit (key)
# Volume up (key)
# Volume down (key)
# Mute (key)
# Subtitle delay up (key)
# Subtitle delay down (key)
# Audio delay up (key)
# Audio delay down (key)
# Cycle audio track (key)
# Cycle subtitle track (key)
# Cycle source aspect ratio (key)
# Cycle video crop (key)
# Cycle deinterlace modes (key)
# Show interface (key)
# Hide interface (key)
# Take video snapshot (key)
# Go back in browsing history (key)
# Go forward in browsing history (key)
# Record (key)
# Very short jump length (integer)
# Short jump length (integer)
# Medium jump length (integer)
# Long jump length (integer)
# Set playlist bookmark 1 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 2 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 3 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 4 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 5 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 6 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 7 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 8 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 9 (key)
# Set playlist bookmark 10 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 1 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 2 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 3 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 4 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 5 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 6 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 7 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 8 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 9 (key)
# Play playlist bookmark 10 (key)
# Playlist bookmark 1 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 2 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 3 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 4 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 5 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 6 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 7 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 8 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 9 (string)
# Playlist bookmark 10 (string)

[livedotcom] # RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555.com)

# Use RTP over RTSP (TCP) (boolean)
# Client port (integer)
# Tunnel RTSP and RTP over HTTP (boolean)
# HTTP tunnel port (integer)
# Caching value (ms) (integer)
# Kasenna RTSP dialect (boolean)

[mux_ts] # TS muxer (libdvbpsi)

# Video PID (integer)
# Audio PID (integer)
# SPU PID (integer)
# PMT PID (integer)
# TS ID (integer)
# NET ID (integer)
# PMT Program numbers (string)
# Set PID to ID of ES (boolean)
# Mux PMT (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
# SDT Descriptors (requires --sout-ts-es-id-pid) (string)
# Data alignment (boolean)
# Shaping delay (ms) (integer)
# Use keyframes (boolean)
# PCR delay (ms) (integer)
# Minimum B (deprecated) (integer)
# Maximum B (deprecated) (integer)
# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
# Crypt audio (boolean)
# Crypt video (boolean)
# CSA Key (string)
# Packet size in bytes to encrypt (integer)

[mkv] # Matroska stream demuxer

# Ordered chapters (boolean)
# Chapter codecs (boolean)
# Preload Directory (boolean)
# Seek based on percent not time (boolean)
# Dummy Elements (boolean)

[ffmpeg] # FFmpeg audio/video decoder/encoder ((MS)MPEG4,SVQ1,H263,WMV,WMA)

# Direct rendering (boolean)
# Error resilience (integer)
# Workaround bugs (integer)
# Hurry up (boolean)
# Visualize motion vectors (integer)
# Low resolution decoding (integer)
# Skip the loop filter for H.264 decoding (integer)
# Post processing quality (integer)
# FFmpeg post processing filter chains (string)
# Debug mask (integer)
# Quality level (string)
# Ratio of key frames (integer)
# Ratio of B frames (integer)
# Hurry up (boolean)
# Interlaced encoding (boolean)
# Interlaced motion estimation (boolean)
# Video bitrate tolerance (integer)
# Pre-motion estimation (boolean)
# Strict rate control (boolean)
# Rate control buffer size (integer)
# Rate control buffer aggressiveness (float)
# I quantization factor (float)
# Noise reduction (integer)
# MPEG4 quantization matrix (boolean)
# Minimum video quantizer scale (integer)
# Maximum video quantizer scale (integer)
# Trellis quantization (boolean)
# Fixed quantizer scale (float)
# Strict standard compliance (integer)
# Luminance masking (float)
# Darkness masking (float)
# Motion masking (float)
# Border masking (float)
# Luminance elimination (integer)
# Chrominance elimination (integer)

[stream_out_switcher] # MPEG2 video switcher stream output

# Files (string)
# Sizes (string)
# Aspect ratio (string)
# Command UDP port (integer)
# Command (integer)
# GOP size (integer)
# Quantizer scale (integer)
# Mute audio (boolean)

[dtstofloat32] # DTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoder

# DTS dynamic range compression (boolean)

[theora] # Theora video decoder

# Encoding quality (integer)

[access_directory] # Standard filesystem directory input

# Subdirectory behavior (string)
# Ignored extensions (string)

[access_fake] # Fake input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Framerate (float)
# ID (integer)
# Duration in ms (integer)

[access_file] # File input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Concatenate with additional files (string)

[access_ftp] # FTP input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# FTP user name (string)
# FTP password (string)
# FTP account (string)

[access_gnomevfs] # GnomeVFS input

# Caching value in ms (integer)

[access_http] # HTTP input

# HTTP proxy (string)
# Caching value in ms (integer)
# HTTP user agent (string)
#http-user-agent=VLC media player - version 0.8.5 Janus - (c) 1996-2006 the VideoLAN team
# Auto re-connect (boolean)
# Continuous stream (boolean)

[access_mms] # Microsoft Media Server (MMS) input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Force selection of all streams (boolean)
# Maximum bitrate (integer)

[access_realrtsp] # Real RTSP

# Caching value (ms) (integer)

[access_smb] # SMB input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# SMB user name (string)
# SMB password (string)
# SMB domain (string)

[access_tcp] # TCP input

# Caching value in ms (integer)

[access_udp] # UDP/RTP input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# RTP reordering timeout in ms (integer)
# Autodetection of MTU (boolean)

[cdda] # Audio CD input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# CDDB Server (string)
# CDDB port (integer)

[dvb] # DVB input with v4l2 support

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Adapter card to tune (integer)
# Device number to use on adapter (integer)
# Transponder/multiplex frequency (integer)
# Inversion mode (integer)
# Probe DVB card for capabilities (boolean)
# Budget mode (boolean)
# Satellite number in the Diseqc system (integer)
# LNB voltage (integer)
# High LNB voltage (boolean)
# 22 kHz tone (integer)
# Transponder FEC (integer)
# Transponder symbol rate in kHz (integer)
# Antenna lnb_lof1 (kHz) (integer)
# Antenna lnb_lof2 (kHz) (integer)
# Antenna lnb_slof (kHz) (integer)
# Modulation type (integer)
# Terrestrial high priority stream code rate (FEC) (integer)
# Terrestrial low priority stream code rate (FEC) (integer)
# Terrestrial bandwidth (integer)
# Terrestrial guard interval (integer)
# Terrestrial transmission mode (integer)
# Terrestrial hierarchy mode (integer)
# HTTP Host address (string)
# HTTP user name (string)
# HTTP password (string)
# HTTP ACL (string)
# Certificate file (string)
# Private key file (string)
# Root CA file (string)
# CRL file (string)

[dvdnav] # DVDnav Input

# DVD angle (integer)
# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Start directly in menu (boolean)

[dvdread] # DVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)

# DVD angle (integer)
# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Method used by libdvdcss for decryption (string)

[pvr] # IVTV MPEG Encoding cards input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Device (string)
# Radio device (string)
# Norm (integer)
# Width (integer)
# Height (integer)
# Frequency (integer)
# Framerate (integer)
# Key interval (integer)
# Framerate (integer)
# Bitrate (integer)
# Bitrate peak (integer)
# Bitrate mode) (integer)
# Audio bitmask (integer)
# Volume (integer)
# Channel (integer)

[screen] # Screen Input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Frame rate (float)

[v4l] # Video4Linux input

# Caching value in ms (integer)
# Video device name (string)
# Audio device name (string)
# Video input chroma format (string)
# Framerate (float)
# Samplerate (integer)
# Channel (integer)
# Tuner (integer)
# Norm (integer)
# Frequency (integer)
# Audio Channel (integer)
# Stereo (boolean)
# Width (integer)
# Height (integer)
# Brightness (integer)
# Color (integer)
# Hue (integer)
# Contrast (integer)
# MJPEG (boolean)
# Decimation (integer)
# Quality (integer)

[vcd] # VCD input

# Caching value in ms (integer)

[access_filter_timeshift] # Timeshift

# Timeshift granularity (integer)
# Timeshift directory (string)

[access_filter_record] # Record

# Record directory (string)

[access_output_file] # File stream output

# Append to file (boolean)

[access_output_http] # HTTP stream output

# Username (string)
# Password (string)
# Mime (string)
# Certificate file (string)
# Private key file (string)
# Root CA file (string)
# CRL file (string)
# Advertise with Bonjour (boolean)

[access_output_udp] # UDP stream output

# Caching value (ms) (integer)
# Time-To-Live (TTL) (integer)
# Group packets (integer)
# Raw write (boolean)

[a52tofloat32] # ATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoder

# A/52 dynamic range compression (boolean)
# Enable internal upmixing (boolean)

[headphone_channel_mixer] # Headphone virtual spatialization effect

# Characteristic dimension (integer)
# Compensate delay (boolean)
# No decoding of Dolby Surround (boolean)

[equalizer] # Equalizer with 10 bands

# Equalizer preset (string)
# Bands gain (string)
# Two pass (boolean)
# Global gain (float)

[normvol] # Volume normalizer

# Number of audio buffers (integer)
# Max level (float)

[param_eq] # Parametric Equalizer

# Low freq (Hz) (float)
# Low freq gain (Db) (float)
# High freq (Hz) (float)
# High freq gain (Db) (float)
# Freq 1 (Hz) (float)
# Freq 1 gain (Db) (float)
# Freq 1 Q (float)
# Freq 2 (Hz) (float)
# Freq 2 gain (Db) (float)
# Freq 2 Q (float)
# Freq 3 (Hz) (float)
# Freq 3 gain (Db) (float)
# Freq 3 Q (float)

[aout_file] # File audio output

# Output format (string)
# Number of output channels (integer)
# Output file (string)
# Add WAVE header (boolean)

[esd] # EsounD audio output

# Esound server (string)

[dvbsub] # DVB subtitles decoder

# Subpicture position (integer)
# Decoding X coordinate (integer)
# Decoding Y coordinate (integer)
# Encoding X coordinate (integer)
# Encoding Y coordinate (integer)

[fake] # Fake video decoder

# Image file (string)
# Video width (integer)
# Video height (integer)
# Keep aspect ratio (boolean)
# Background aspect ratio (string)
# Deinterlace video (boolean)
# Deinterlace module (string)

[subsdec] # Text subtitles decoder

# Subtitles justification (integer)
# Subtitles text encoding (string)
# UTF-8 subtitles autodetection (boolean)
# Formatted Subtitles (boolean)

[svcdsub] # Philips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoder

# Enable debug (integer)

[vorbis] # Vorbis audio decoder

# Encoding quality (integer)
# Maximum encoding bitrate (integer)
# Minimum encoding bitrate (integer)
# CBR encoding (boolean)

[x264] # H.264/MPEG4 AVC encoder (using x264 library)

# Maximum GOP size (integer)
# Minimum GOP size (integer)
# Extra I-Frames aggressivity (integer)
# B-frames between I and P (integer)
# Adaptive B-frame decision (boolean)
# B-frames usage (integer)
# Keep some B-frames as references (boolean)
# CABAC (boolean)
# Number of reference frames (integer)
# Skip loop filter (boolean)
# Set QP (integer)
# Quality-based VBR (integer)
# Min QP (integer)
# Max QP (integer)
# Max QP step (integer)
# Average bitrate tolerance (float)
# Max local bitrate (integer)
# VBV buffer (integer)
# Initial VBV buffer occupancy (float)
# QP factor between I and P (float)
# QP factor between P and B (float)
# QP difference between chroma and luma (integer)
# QP curve compression (float)
# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
# Reduce fluctuations in QP (float)
# Partitions to consider (string)
# Direct MV prediction mode (string)
# Weighted prediction for B-frames (boolean)
# Integer pixel motion estimation method (string)
# Maximum motion vector search range (integer)
# Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision quality (integer)
# RD based mode decision for B-frames. (boolean)
# Decide references on a per partition basis (boolean)
# Ignore chroma in motion estimation (boolean)
# Jointly optimize both MVs in B-frames (boolean)
# Adaptive spatial transform size (boolean)
# Trellis RD quantization (integer)
# Early SKIP detection on P-frames (boolean)
# Noise reduction (integer)
# CPU optimizations (boolean)
# PSNR calculation (boolean)
# Statistics (boolean)

[gestures] # Mouse gestures control interface

# Motion threshold (10-100) (integer)
# Trigger button (string)

[http] # HTTP remote control interface

# Host address (string)
# Source directory (string)
# Charset (string)
# Handlers (string)
# Certificate file (string)
# Private key file (string)
# Root CA file (string)
# CRL file (string)

[netsync] # Network synchronisation

# Act as master (boolean)
# Master client ip address (string)

[rc] # Remote control interface

# Show stream position (boolean)
# Fake TTY (boolean)
# UNIX socket command input (string)
# TCP command input (string)

[showintf] # Show interface with mouse

# Threshold (integer)

[telnet] # VLM remote control interface

# Host (string)
# Port (integer)
# Password (string)

[demuxdump] # File dumpper

# Dump filename (string)
# Append to existing file (boolean)

[avi] # AVI demuxer

# Force interleaved method (boolean)
# Force index creation (boolean)

[playlist] # Playlist

# Auto start (boolean)
# Show shoutcast adult content (boolean)

[h264] # H264 video demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[mjpeg] # M-JPEG camera demuxer

# Frames per Second (float)

[mod] # MOD demuxer (libmodplug)

# Noise reduction (boolean)
# Reverb (boolean)
# Reverberation level (integer)
# Reverberation delay (integer)
# Mega bass (boolean)
# Mega bass level (integer)
# Mega bass cutoff (integer)
# Surround (boolean)
# Surround level (integer)
# Surround delay (ms) (integer)

[mpc] # MusePack demuxer

# Replay Gain type (integer)

[subtitle] # Text subtitles parser

# Frames per second (float)
# Subtitles delay (integer)
# Subtitles format (string)

[ts] # MPEG Transport Stream demuxer

# Extra PMT (string)
# Set id of ES to PID (boolean)
# Fast udp streaming (string)
# MTU for out mode (integer)
# CSA ck (string)
# Packet size in bytes to decrypt (integer)
# Silent mode (boolean)
# Filename of dump (string)
# Append (boolean)
# Dump buffer size (integer)

[ncurses] # Ncurses interface

# Filebrowser starting point (string)

[skins2] # Skinnable Interface

# Skin to use (string)
# Config of last used skin (string)

[wxwidgets] # wxWidgets interface module

# Embed video in interface (boolean)
# Bookmarks dialog (boolean)
# Taskbar (boolean)
# Extended GUI (boolean)
# Minimal interface (boolean)
# Size to video (boolean)
# Playlist view (integer)
# Systray icon (boolean)
# Show labels in toolbar (boolean)
# last config (string)

[freetype] # Freetype2 font renderer

# Font (string)
# Font size in pixels (integer)
# Opacity (integer)
# Text default color (integer)
# Relative font size (integer)
# Font Effect (integer)
# Use YUVP renderer (boolean)

[dummy] # Dummy interface function

# Save raw codec data (boolean)
# Dummy image chroma format (string)

[gnutls] # GnuTLS TLS encryption layer

# Check TLS/SSL server certificate validity (boolean)
# Check TLS/SSL server hostname in certificate (boolean)
# Diffie-Hellman prime bits (integer)
# Expiration time for resumed TLS sessions (integer)
# Number of resumed TLS sessions (integer)

[growl] # Growl Notification Plugin

# Growl server (string)
# Growl password (string)
# Growl UDP port (integer)

[logger] # File logging

# Log filename (string)
# Log format (string)
# RRD output file (string)

[vod_rtsp] # RTSP VoD server

# RTSP host address (string)
# Maximum number of connections (integer)

[mux_asf] # ASF muxer

# Title (string)
# Author (string)
# Copyright (string)
# Comment (string)
# Rating (string)
# Packet Size (integer)

[mux_mp4] # MP4/MOV muxer

# Create "Fast Start" files (boolean)

[mux_mpjpeg] # Multipart JPEG muxer

# Multipart separator string (string)

[mux_ps] # PS muxer

# DTS delay (ms) (integer)
# PES maximum size (integer)

[packetizer_mpegvideo] # MPEG-I/II video packetizer

# Sync on Intra Frame (boolean)

[podcast] # Podcasts

# Podcast URLs list (string)

[sap] # SAP Announcements

# SAP multicast address (string)
# IPv4 SAP (boolean)
# IPv6 SAP (boolean)
# SAP timeout (seconds) (integer)
# Try to parse the announce (boolean)
# SAP Strict mode (boolean)
# Allow timeshifting (boolean)

[shout] # Shoutcast radio listings

[stream_out_bridge] # Bridge stream output

# ID (integer)
# Delay (integer)
# ID Offset (integer)

[stream_out_display] # Display stream output

# Enable audio (boolean)
# Enable video (boolean)
# Delay (integer)

[stream_out_es] # Elementary stream output

# Output access method (string)
# Audio output access method (string)
# Video output access method (string)
# Output muxer (string)
# Audio output muxer (string)
# Video output muxer (string)
# Output URL (string)
# Audio output URL (string)
# Video output URL (string)

[stream_out_mosaic_bridge] # Mosaic bridge stream output

# ID (string)
# Video width (integer)
# Video height (integer)
# Sample aspect ratio (string)

[stream_out_rtp] # RTP stream output

# Destination (string)
# SDP (string)
# Muxer (string)
# Session name (string)
# Session description (string)
# Session URL (string)
# Session email (string)
# Port (integer)
# Audio port (integer)
# Video port (integer)
# Time-To-Live (TTL) (integer)
# MP4A LATM (boolean)

[stream_out_standard] # Standard stream output

# Output access method (string)
# Output muxer (string)
# Output destination (string)
# SAP announcing (boolean)
# Session name (string)
# Session groupname (string)

[stream_out_transcode] # Transcode stream output

# Video encoder (string)
# Destination video codec (string)
# Video bitrate (integer)
# Video scaling (float)
# Video frame-rate (float)
# Hurry up (boolean)
# Deinterlace video (boolean)
# Deinterlace module (string)
# Video width (integer)
# Video height (integer)
# Maximum video width (integer)
# Maximum video height (integer)
# Video filter (string)
# Video crop (top) (integer)
# Video crop (left) (integer)
# Video crop (bottom) (integer)
# Video crop (right) (integer)
# Video padding (top) (integer)
# Video padding (left) (integer)
# Video padding (bottom) (integer)
# Video padding (right) (integer)
# Video canvas width (integer)
# Video canvas height (integer)
# Video canvas aspect ratio (string)
# Audio encoder (string)
# Destination audio codec (string)
# Audio bitrate (integer)
# Audio channels (integer)
# Audio sample rate (integer)
# Synchronise on audio track (boolean)
# Subtitles encoder (string)
# Destination subtitles codec (string)
# Destination subtitles codec (boolean)
# Overlays (string)
# OSD menu (boolean)
# Number of threads (integer)
# High priority (boolean)

[deinterlace] # Deinterlacing video filter

# Deinterlace mode (string)
# Streaming deinterlace mode (string)

[adjust] # Image properties filter

# Image contrast (0-2) (float)
# Image brightness (0-2) (float)
# Image hue (0-360) (integer)
# Image saturation (0-3) (float)
# Image gamma (0-10) (float)
# Brightness threshold (boolean)

[clone] # Clone video filter

# Number of clones (integer)
# Video output modules (string)

[crop] # Crop video filter

# Crop geometry (pixels) (string)
# Automatic cropping (boolean)

[motiondetect] # Motion detect video filter

# History parameter (integer)
# Description file (string)

[distort] # Distort video filter

# Distort mode (string)
# Gradient image type (integer)
# Apply cartoon effect (boolean)

[logo] # Logo video filter

# Logo filenames (string)
# X coordinate (integer)
# Y coordinate (integer)
# Logo individual image time in ms (integer)
# Logo animation # of loops (integer)
# Transparency of the logo (integer)
# Logo position (integer)

[marq] # Marquee display

# Text (string)
# X offset (integer)
# Y offset (integer)
# Marquee position (integer)
# Opacity (integer)
# Color (integer)
# Font size, pixels (integer)
# Timeout (integer)

[mosaic] # Mosaic video sub filter

# Transparency (integer)
# Height (integer)
# Width (integer)
# Mosaic alignment (integer)
# Top left corner X coordinate (integer)
# Top left corner Y coordinate (integer)
# Vertical border width (integer)
# Horizontal border width (integer)
# Positioning method (integer)
# Number of rows (integer)
# Number of columns (integer)
# Keep aspect ratio (boolean)
# Keep original size (boolean)
# Elements order (string)
# Delay (integer)
# Bluescreen (boolean)
# Bluescreen U value (integer)
# Bluescreen V value (integer)
# Bluescreen U tolerance (integer)
# Bluescreen V tolerance (integer)

[motionblur] # Motion blur filter

# Blur factor (1-127) (integer)

[osdmenu] # On Screen Display menu

# X coordinate (integer)
# Y coordinate (integer)
# Menu position (integer)
# Configuration file (string)
# Path to OSD menu images (string)
# Menu timeout (integer)
# Menu update interval (integer)

[rss] # RSS and Atom feed display

# Feed URLs (string)
# X offset (integer)
# Y offset (integer)
# Text position (integer)
# Opacity (integer)
# Color (integer)
# Font size, pixels (integer)
# Speed of feeds (integer)
# Max length (integer)
# Refresh time (integer)
# Feed images (boolean)

[time] # Time display sub filter

# Time format string (%Y%m%d %H%M%S) (string)
#time-format=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
# X offset (integer)
# Y offset (integer)
# Text position (integer)
# Opacity (integer)
# Color (integer)
# Font size, pixels (integer)

[transform] # Video transformation filter

# Transform type (string)

[wall] # Wall video filter

# Number of columns (integer)
# Number of rows (integer)
# Active windows (string)
# Element aspect ratio (string)

[glx] # OpenGL video output

# X11 display (string)
# XVideo adaptor number (integer)
# Alternate fullscreen method (boolean)
# Screen for fullscreen mode. (integer)

[fb] # GNU/Linux console framebuffer video output

# Framebuffer device (string)

[image] # Image video output

# Image format (string)
# Recording ratio (integer)
# Filename prefix (string)
# Always write to the same file (boolean)

[opengl] # OpenGL video output

# OpenGL cube rotation speed (float)
# Effect (string)

[x11] # X11 video output

# X11 display (string)
# Alternate fullscreen method (boolean)
# Use shared memory (boolean)
# Screen for fullscreen mode. (integer)

[xvideo] # XVideo extension video output

# X11 display (string)
# XVideo adaptor number (integer)
# Alternate fullscreen method (boolean)
# XVimage chroma format (string)
# Use shared memory (boolean)
# Screen for fullscreen mode. (integer)

[visual] # Visualizer filter

# Effects list (string)
# Video width (integer)
# Video height (integer)
# Number of bands (integer)
# Band separator (integer)
# Amplification (integer)
# Enable peaks (boolean)
# Enable original graphic spectrum (boolean)
# Enable base (boolean)
# Base pixel radius (integer)
# Spectral sections (integer)
# V-plane color (integer)
# Enable bands (boolean)
# Number of bands (integer)
# Band separator (integer)
# Amplification (integer)
# Enable peaks (boolean)
# Peak extra width (integer)
# Peak height (integer)

[xosd] # XOSD interface

# Flip vertical position (boolean)
# Vertical offset (integer)
# Shadow offset (integer)
# Font (string)
# Color (string)

[alsa] # ALSA audio output

# ALSA Device Name (string)

[oss] # Linux OSS audio output

# OSS DSP device (string)
# Try to work around buggy OSS drivers (boolean)

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 25
Joined: 24 Nov 2006 03:47

Postby tsr » 24 Nov 2006 05:17

you might want to have a look at this:
http://diveintomark.org/archives/2006/0 ... ideo-howto

i have not tried this myself, but superficially it seems to me that this might at least hint you in the right direction.
personally i rarely use vlc as an encoder. i love vlc for its capabilities as a streaming server, and i also use it to play most movie files on my desktop at home. but when it comes to encoding, i prefer mencoder, because it seems kind of robust and transparent to me. so what you really want might be mencoder. or maybe not. :)

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