after the Download of VLC 2.0.1 yesterday I liked the interface changes. I put in a Pink Floyd DVD and disabled the video track, today I just wanted to start any Videotrack containing Film, and it doens't show up anything. Like you can see in the Screenshot, VLC appears to understand that there is a Videotrack, I can click it, doesnt change, I can click fullscreen, the only change I get is a check before fullscreen - nothing happening
What I tried:
Delete Prefrences.app in Install-Zip
Installed 2.1.0-git Rincewind, nigthly from today
I just looked into the "Delete Prefrences.app" and saw that it is a apple script, that should show me a message before it deletes the Prefrences. I didn't saw that message before, so I just started "Delete Prefrences.app" unpacked and it worked. I see Video now. Looks also like, that I can't reproduce the bug.