Metatdata name rather than file name

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 19 Feb 2012 17:03

Metatdata name rather than file name

Postby rumplestiltskin » 19 Feb 2012 17:10

I have two videos, one of which was transcoded from the other. Both filenames are different. Drop both into VLC (2.0.0) and the Playlist shows both files with identical names. Obviously, it's taking the names in the metadata rather than the file names. When I display the Media Information (which is the metadata, among other things), I can see the "Location" field where, if I click and drag to the right (the files are some levels deep on my hard drive), I can eventually see the file name.

UI Fix Suggestion: Provide a preference to display the real file name in the playlist so I can know exactly which file I am playing without jumping through hoops. If I open any of these files in any other program (Handbrake, Submerge, QT Player Pro, MP4Tools, the real file name is displayed either on the app's title bar -or- in a field in the -main- window so I know exactly which file I am working with.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 09 Jan 2010 06:38

Re: Metatdata name rather than file name

Postby BridgetKFisher » 08 Apr 2012 05:17

I dont know why it doesnt say the filename anymore.

this is a critcal bug its reading some other data instead of what we name it which makes the playlist useless now.

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