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A few transcoding/stream questions (camera, desktop, audio)

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 23:46
by vale4674
Don't know if I should posted this on libvlc forum but it seems to me that this is the better place since it has to do with Mac OS X specifics.
I've been using libvlc thorugh vlcj and finished 2/3 of my project (acctually, I finished everything on Windows, adjusted everything to work on Linux aswel and now I started with Mac OS X support).

Now I see that Mac support is not so good for what I need:

1. Stream camera video + audio into a file
2. Stream desktop into a file
3. Any combinations of above (Camera + Audio and Desktop OR Camera and Desktop + Audio)

I have VLC 1.1.12 on Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2:
On capture tab I can only select iSight Capture input or EyeTV. It says "No settings are available in this version, so you will be provided...."
From google-ing I saw that some older version of VLC could do all of those things: Camera, Desktop, Audio.

So the question:

Could someone explain me why is that so?
Which older versions support this?
Why is this removed?
Is this going to be back in 1.2.0 VLC version?

Re: A few transcoding/stream questions (camera, desktop, aud

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 02:01
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Well, you cannot support Desktop on Lion, because Apple removed the API, which explains 2.
You never were able to support Sound input on OSX, but VLC 1.2 adds it, which explains 1.

3 depends on 1 & 2.

Re: A few transcoding/stream questions (camera, desktop, aud

Posted: 07 Dec 2011 03:31
by vale4674
Thank you,

do you know the release date of official VLC 1.2?

So the desktop issue is simply because Apple removed API on Lion? Is it possible for VLC 1.2 to use some different or custom API for desktop support?

And 3. question: Why do I only see iSight camera in VLC on Mac and no other connected cameras? I have 2 Logitech cameras connected via USB and built in FaceTime camera. iSight refers to iMac's FaceTime Built In camera. Windows version of VLC reads all of them with their real names and fills the video input combo box and on Linux I can input any of my connected video devices (/dev/video0, /dev/video1...) Will that also be changed in 1.2?

EDIT: I downloaded 1.2.0-git version now and first impressions are that it looks really cool and GUI has real "Mac feel". I tried some of the streaming options. I see that it has Desktop in it's options but when I stream desktop I only have the black picture and I see mouse moving on the screen.
As of the cameras, now it is not hardcoded only iSight cameras, it has a combo-box list and bot of my cameras are visible there (FaceTime Built In and Logitech Camera). Although when I use Logitech camera I get only grey image. And it crashes a lot (it is development version after all).

So you said that audio will be supported and as it looks from this, Desktop and different cameras will also be supported and that is really cool.