VLC HTTP streaming for iPad

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
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VLC HTTP streaming for iPad

Postby tommekevda » 05 Mar 2011 19:01

Hello all,

I'm currently experimenting with streaming from my mac to my ipad with vlc.
i have had no luck so far even though i have come across some possible solutions.
This is my situation: i want to stream from my mac to my ipad.
I would like vlc to stream to a local website (web server enabled on mac).
In that website i would like to embed video that's viewable on pc and ipad.
I know there's a way for vlc to stream to embedded objects in websites but those plugins aren't available on ipad to my knowledge.
Does anyone have a solution to my problem here?


New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC HTTP streaming for iPad

Postby tommekevda » 07 Mar 2011 13:59

Anyone? :)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VLC HTTP streaming for iPad

Postby crackstone » 08 Mar 2011 13:33


you should get this working with some nice tutorials out there on the net. The thing is you'll need other stuff such as a segmenter and a properly setup web server with correct mime types. It worked for me.
My setup: local vlc streaming -> ffmpeg muxing screen & audio -> mediastreamsegmenter prepares stream for ipad -> html5 delivery

Start here for info on the setup and basic commands: http://blog.niamu.com/1080p-video-on-the-ipad-sort-of/
Continue here for an in depth info on ipad streaming in gerneral - server setup: http://www.ioncannon.net/programming/45 ... segmenter/
Then follow up here for some VLC examples in order to stream: http://www.unmht.org/memo/en_ipod_stream.html
Another example streaming to apple tv with VLC and mediastreamsegmenter: http://www.tuaw.com/2010/12/22/screenca ... r-airplay/

This should get you going!


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