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how to Streaming video for iphone using smem

Posted: 13 Dec 2010 02:30
by ian168
Hi All,
I have a bottleneck about how to get the video streaming from IP camera for iphone,i complied the MobileVLC that was released from the VLC webpage and the webpage have a How To tutorial.
If anyone follow the How To tutorial , you will get the libMobileVLCKit.a and libMobileMediaLibraryKit.a.
Then i built a iphone project with xcode,and used the smem module to get the callback raw data,but the procedure failure with the following log :
[e[32;1m0x147aca4e[0m] main filter debug: e[0mTIMER module_need() : 8.923 ms - Total 8.923 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 8.923 ms)e[0m
[e[32;1m0xf80c64e[0m] main stream out debug: e[0mFilter 'Swscale' (0x147aca4) appended to chaine[0m
[e[32;1m0xf80c64e[0m] stream_out_transcode stream out debug: e[0mdestination (after video filters) 320x240e[0m
[e[32;1m0x145a4a4e[0m] main encoder debug: e[0mlooking for encoder module: 5 candidatese[0m
[e[32;1m0x145a4a4e[0m] avcodec encoder debug: e[0mlibavcodec already initializede[0m
[e[32;1m0x145a4a4e[0m] avcodec encoder debug: e[0mfound encoder Raw videoe[0m
[e[32;1m0x145a4a4e[0m] main encoder debug: e[0musing encoder module "avcodec"e[0m
[e[32;1m0x145a4a4e[0m] main encoder debug: e[0mTIMER module_need() : 12.480 ms - Total 12.480 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 12.480 ms)e[0m
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
[Switching to thread 13059]

Does anyone have the same problem?Or if you have any method that can get the raw data from streaming video ,please share with me ,i will really thank for you.
