How do I convert .ts files to MPEG2?
Posted: 02 Jan 2010 23:25
by jonnyukbravo
I have a digital PVR which records TV programmes in .ts. I would like to save some and burn them to DVD for long-term storage. I have stored the .ts file on a memory stick but cannot figure how to convert the file into a more useable format. Can anybody run through how to do this please? I have a G4 powerbook with superdrive.
Re: How do I convert .ts files to MPEG2?
Posted: 05 Jan 2010 23:13
by ajmas
Have you tried the conversion wizard to see if it will do what you need to do?
Re: How do I convert .ts files to MPEG2?
Posted: 18 Jan 2010 13:52
by Drain Pipe
I use this method: Just stop after step (2) and you'll have your MPEG2 file.
Its important to use Projext X to 'demux' the .ts file first. ProjectX fixes any synchronization problems that may have happened while the .ts was being broadcast.