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VLC 1.0.0 no show video but play audio

Posted: 22 Jun 2009 23:54
by diegofn

Congratulations for the VLC 1.0.0

I'm compile the new VLC 1.0.0 in my Leopard 10.5.7, I 'delete the preferences', but when I play a video in VLC I hear the audio but I don't see the video. :'(. I'm testing with a lot videos (mpeg, avi, mp4) with the same result.

In this moment I have VLC 0.9.9a and in my Mac I have Quartz Extreme (QE) and CoreImage (CI) activated and I see this videos perfectly.

I'm testing the VLC nightlies distribution and I got the same result :( If you need help to test VLC in Mac OSX I can help us..

Greetings from Colombia


Re: VLC 1.0.0 no show video but play audio

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 13:01
by fkuehne
What kind of Mac is that? PowerPC or Intel? Do you see a black video window or no panel at all?

Re: VLC 1.0.0 no show video but play audio

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 15:49
by diegofn

I have an Intel Mac OS X and when I play one video I see black video window

I check the "Enable video" option and I have it enabled. The "output mode" is default

Re: VLC 1.0.0 no show video but play audio

Posted: 23 Jun 2009 16:09
by fkuehne
Hmmm, this should work nicely. The model name of your Mac would be useful btw.

Anyway, make sure that you really have a 1.0 pre-release. The so-called "master" branch of VLC (the default branch you checkout when getting VLC's sources using Git) already contains code for the forthcoming 1.1 release. The master branch doesn't show any video right now, as it is under having (but currently stopped) development. Same for the "vlc-git" labelled nightly builds. The "1.0-branch" builds should work of course.

Re: VLC 1.0.0 no show video but play audio

Posted: 24 Jun 2009 14:19
by diegofn
You're right .. I'm using and I downloaded the master branch :-$ I'm sorry. I'm compiling the 1.0-bugfix branch

Thanks for all