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Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 05 Mar 2009 00:04
by athans
Hello, I cannot see how to select Playlist columns, I can only see Name/Author/Duration. I'd like to see track-number.
Right-clicking doesnt seem to be doing anything (as it does on Windows XP).

I am using 0.9.8 on Leopard.

Am I missing the obvious?


Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 30 Jul 2009 01:07
by tucker973
I would like a resolution for this as well. I have not been able to find anything about this anywhere. I'm currently using 1.01, and very disappointed that things that are simple in Windows are seemingly impossible in MacOS with this app!

As a side note, I've noticed the playlist is just overall generally useless, since the thing sorts by track NAME. I wouldn't even need to see a track number column if the playlist was properly sorted.

Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 08 Feb 2010 20:25
by leonardos
Hello, does anyone know how I can change the columns in VLC for Mac?
In the Windows version I can change (add/remove) columns by right clicking the columns, but in VLC for Mac it can't change columns.
I use VLC 1.0.5 for Mac on OSX 10.6.2.


Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 08 Mar 2010 04:25
by jwmodestburns
was this ever solved?

I too would love to add some columns.

Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 12 Mar 2010 21:08
by fkuehne
That's unsolved for now and probably isn't going to be fixed any time soon due to a lack of active Mac OS X developers. Additionally, we chose to focus on the re-write currently called Lunettes which won't have this interface anyway.

Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 29 May 2010 04:29
by dannymichel
That's unsolved for now and probably isn't going to be fixed any time soon due to a lack of active Mac OS X developers. Additionally, we chose to focus on the re-write currently called Lunettes which won't have this interface anyway.
wait, haha, you're being serious arent you

Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 20:20
by Roder51
To the far right of the column row headings you will see a | drag it over right click and click the heading you want.

Re: Selecting Playlist columns?

Posted: 22 Nov 2012 12:33
by fkuehne
Wow, this is an old thread. Lots of stuff happened since then.

Anyway, VLC 2.1, scheduled for release early next year, will include all the columns (and customization options) known from the Qt interface used on Windows and Linux.