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Transcoding on

Posted: 22 Feb 2009 01:01
by jeclark2006
Using 0.9.8 Greshenko VLC.

I have never been able to 'transcode' with VLC. My most recent attempt is with the above mentioned version.

I am transcoding a file from an FLV, (audio only) to any one of MP4, WAV, whatever I can get away with...

No options produce a useable file. In fact the resulting files either empty of only a few K bytes in length.

A couple of questions.

Does someone have an example audio file that can be 'transcoded'?

Where are the log files to be found on Mac OS X.

John Clark.

Re: Transcoding on

Posted: 24 Feb 2009 17:32
by reprenize
i am having the exact same problem. in fact, i searched the forum first but using "convert" as my search criteria. "transcode" doesnt appear in vlc anymore (the word, that is)

it is not obvious how it is supposed to work. i managed to convert a different file format before, but never an .flv to anything but audio. It seems to be kind of a swiss army knife that does a plethora of different things. it seems like the same interface can author a DVD or encode an mp3. it doesnt really hold ones hand while they use it. it looks like you have to be an elite hacker to know how to make it work.

the "clue" the forum administration gives us, is to look at the "messages" window. this window shows a list of mysterious error language, that requires further research. I am not sure what bitrates, framerates, or muxers are provided by vlc, nor the compatibility with any of the 11 Encapsulation options, the 12 Video codecs, the 9 audio codecs, or how those manage to work together at all. I dont even know how to determine the possible number of combinations there could be... billions? trillions? I'm excited about the potential of VLC, but I dont think the conversion feature is usable by the average person. maybe by the average elite hacker.