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0.5 sec skip when playing single OGG Vorbis files

Posted: 19 Feb 2009 12:40
by NightRider
I've searched Google and the VideoLAN site and forum, read all the FAQs, and found nothing, so here's the issue:

I can't remember exactly when this first started, but for the past few versions of VLC Media Player for Mac OS X, I've notice an approximately 0.5-second skip when playing single OGG Vorbis files. That is, I don't hear the first 0.5 second of the sound file, but the rest plays OK. I'm always playing OGG audio files on Wikipedia to check pronunciations, and these files are usually only a second or two in length, so a 0.5-sec skip ruins the playback. MPlayer plays the sounds from the beginning with no problem, so at some point I switched to MPlayer for these small sound files.

If you drag more than one OGG audio file into the playlist, the first file will get the skip, but the second one (or the third, etc.) will USUALLY play correctly. I've reset the player preferences, but found no difference. I read in one of the threads here to "reset the cache," but I can't find that, even when searching the expert preferences. I must have missed it.

Comments anyone?

VLC Media Player Version 0.9.8 Grishenko (Intel) (0.9.8a)
Machine details: 15" MacBook Pro, 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 MB RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.6 with all current updates

Best regards,
Denver, Colorado, USA

Re: 0.5 sec skip when playing single OGG Vorbis files

Posted: 15 Apr 2009 18:21
by rpremuz
It seems that this problem was also reported in the following thread:

I find it also with the new VLC Media Player 0.9.9
(installed on a MS Windows XP Pro. SP3, HP Compaq nc8230, 1 GiB of RAM).

I'd say that the problem was also reported in the following ticket:

-- rpr.

Re: 0.5 sec skip when playing single OGG Vorbis files

Posted: 16 Apr 2009 08:01
by NightRider

I didn't search the posts dealing with VLC Media Player for Windows or Linux. I also see that it's not fixed in 0.9.9a for Mac OS X. It's good to know the bug has been reported, and it's also good to know that the bug is cross-platform, so if it's fixed it should be a cross-platform fix. :D

Best regards,