Capturing only a region of the screen

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Capturing only a region of the screen

Postby bmud » 09 Jan 2009 20:19

I tried using crop in the command box in a variety of ways, but for one, I don't understand the "accepted format", and for two, it doesn't seem to be working even when I put in something like 4:3 (when my screen is probably more like 16:9.

Anyway, it's wonderful that VLC can capture the screen! IT'S PHENOMENAL, please don't get me wrong in complaining. But for pete's sake, capturing the whole screen is very seldom what I want to do. I just want a tiny portion. Capturing the screen is really important for converting realtime or interactive work in to video for me, and this would be a wonderful solution if I could only CROP!!

Help me forum gurus... :(

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Capturing only a region of the screen

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 10 Jan 2009 03:24

It is not possible now. You have to capture and crop...
Maybe in the future releases...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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