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VLC Wish List

Posted: 29 Jan 2008 19:35
by Kila
I love how slick VLC is - there isn't much of a border, making it appear snappy and sharp. However, I wish that when the video stopped playing, VLC would retain the open media. I often open videos that I want to edit, and since VLC plays any format I use it as my number 1 player - but I hate having to reopen the same media once it finishes in order to skip back to a scene.

Another wish is if VLC operated in a way similar to QuickTime and some other video players - when you use the arrow keys when the video is paused, it moves a frame back or fourth. Again, this would be ideal for checking a video before editing it.

My final wish is an option to turn off the VLC Controller - I always close it when I open VLC as it clogs up my desktop. I want a neat player without any extra windows.

Anyone with me on that?

Re: VLC Wish List

Posted: 30 Jan 2008 05:09
by madmax_2069
you don't have to have the controller open to keep the video window open or to keep VLC open, just click on the red X on the controller to get rid of it and use the open file in the menu bar or drag and drop a video file onto VLC's icon to open a file. and if you want the controller back just click on window and controller and it will come back up or quit VLC and restart it.

i dont think there is a way to disable the controller from popping up when you start VLC, its there for ease of use and to add videos or music to its play list.

Re: VLC Wish List

Posted: 30 Jan 2008 22:32
by fkuehne
...additionally, it's there to make people aware that VLC actually launched. Especially inexperienced users don't see the switch of the menu bar when VLC launches and would think that it doesn't work at all (anymore).

About frame-accurate seeking: regrettably, this isn't possible and won't be in the future as VLC doesn't know the concept of frames. All it knows are packets, so you can skip between packets, which is what VLC currently does.

Saving the current position of a movie isn't possible right now, if you want this to be persistent across multiple sessions. That's something for future releases. However, you can use bookmarks to temporarily save positions in a movie. These bookmarks will be kept as long as VLC runs (you may freely play different clips and return to your movie with bookmarks in the end), but will be lost on quit.