No video at all anymore

macOS specific usage questions
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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No video at all anymore

Postby _Pierre_75 » 24 Jan 2008 12:36

Don't know what happened! Overnight, I was unable to watch any video file with VLC 0.8.6c. I tried with VLC 0.8.6b but it just was the same thing: the sound is great, but there's no video whatsoever and there is no error message either. Nothing. As if I my .avi or .mp(e)g file is a .wav or .mp4 file basically. But of course I know it's not!
Actually, this very problem reminds me of another one, quite similar that occured a few moths ago. I had automatically downloaded the then latest version of QuickTime and I was then unable to watch any video with VLC. And here we go again, obviously. 2 or 3 days ago, I once again downloaded the latest version of QuickTime -I just checked and it's the 7.4.0 (92) version- and at first I did not make any connection between the two, but I guess this is where lies the problem...
Any advice?

Thank you very much.

Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby madmax_2069 » 24 Jan 2008 13:38

have you tried deleting the preference file for VLC and trying again.

Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby _Pierre_75 » 24 Jan 2008 16:10

Well, I'm French and I'm not very acquainted with English so I guess it's going to be tricky for me to understand specific computing terms. However, I tried to delete what might have been the preference file... there were actually 2 files, one named CACHEDIR.TAG and the other one was plugins-040be.dat . But in another folder, there's a "vlcrc" file... shall I delete one of those files?

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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby funman » 24 Jan 2008 17:14

delete both

Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby _Pierre_75 » 24 Jan 2008 17:47

I did but it remains unchanged.
When I click on "Delete_Preferences", an alert message pops up and it reads "Désolé, l'opération n'as pas pu être terminée: une erreur imprévue s'est produite (code d'erreur 2). In short, the opertaion failed due to an error... I still cannot watch videos with VLC...

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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby _Pierre_75 » 26 Jan 2008 13:56

All right, I finally made it to delete the preferences... but I still don't have the video that appears on the screen... I now have an alert message that reads: "macosx: QT doesn't support any appropriate chroma".
Should I only wait until the next QuickTime release?

New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby mharve » 27 Jan 2008 16:31

I have the same problem. Just downloaded the latest quicktime update and now vlc video (audio is fine) for .avi files doesn't work, with the same message. It seems like quicktime updates mess up a lot of things. I've had problems with realplayer too, in the past. help! I want my vlc back!

Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Leah » 30 Jan 2008 14:37

Same problem here.
Went to use VLC yesterday and it's screwed. The audio is fine.
I deleted all VLC files off of my mac and reinstalled it but it didn't fix it.
Also tried with an earlier version and still nothing.

I get this message
macosx: QT doesn't support any appropriate chroma
So looks like it is quicktime related. Again. :x

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Leah » 03 Feb 2008 22:39

Anyone? :?:

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby madmax_2069 » 03 Feb 2008 23:16

i haven't ran into the issue, i am running the latest version of VLC and QT 7.4 in both 10.4.11 and in 10.5.1 on a G4 and everything plays fine for me (unless its .mkv or H.264).

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Leah » 05 Feb 2008 00:05

I'm running 10.3.9

Big Cone-huna
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Arite » 05 Feb 2008 00:33

Have you tried changing the video output module in the Preferences? To do this, go to:
Settings >> Prefereneces... >> Video >> Output modules

And tick the "Advanced options" tickbox. Select a different module (not sure what they are for Mac) from the "Video output module" drop-down box and press "Save". Restart VLC and try a video.

Cheers, Arite.
Don't use PMs for support questions.

Blank Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Leah » 05 Feb 2008 13:38

Nah that didn't work. I was using default settings for video output so didn't know what to change it to. Just picked one at random.
Still got the audio and no video.
Gonna have to do what I did last time and use pacifist to install quicktime 7.3 and overwrite 7.4

You lose the security updates that come with 7.4 but it works.
Mac need to sort their act out.

download pacifist here:
download 7.3 here...

Panther: ... nther.html
Tiger: ... tiger.html
Leopard: ... opard.html

Once quicktime is downloaded open Pacifist. Once open click "open package"... from the menu select the quicktime icon (?) in the left column and double click the package icon.

You then need to click "Install" in the top left of the Pacifist menu.

You'll be asked if you want to replace existing files, click yes to all and Pacifist will take it from there.

New Cone
New Cone
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VLC version: 0.8.6c
Operating System: OS X 10.3.9

All right!

Postby breakdown » 16 Feb 2008 14:09

Thank you Leah,worked like a charm.
Well seems like no more security update for quicktime for me,thank you...
BTW I beleave the problem described in this thread seems to occur on OS X 10.3.9 only.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby puck » 19 Feb 2008 10:26

I have the same problem and it's true of OS X4.1.1, as well. Suddenly today, no video and on the heels od updating QT too (which has been useless to me for the longest time btw.)

In my case I followed the "pacifist"/QT 7.31 etc... instructions, which as far as I know went smoothly, just as Leah described... but the problem persists. Maybe I need to delete VCL software and reinstall from scratch?

Edited to say things have gottten worse. As of today, I can't launch Mac Mail from anywhere OR System Preferences from the Apple drop down Menu, although the preference folder is still in my HD with all the data Also the icons (top right) from my finder menu are gone.
Last edited by puck on 20 Feb 2008 01:38, edited 1 time in total.

New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby puck » 20 Feb 2008 01:00

Things have gone from bad to worse. Now Mac Mail won't launch from anywhere and I can't access Systems preferences at all either. I also notice all related icons are gone from the menu at top of the finder. Any suggetions.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby James » 21 Feb 2008 07:55

Well seems like no more security update for quicktime for me,thank you...
BTW I beleave the problem described in this thread seems to occur on OS X 10.3.9 only.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby emagers » 22 Feb 2008 09:52

I followed Leah's advice and replaced QT with the previous version using Pacifist, but VLC still plays audio without video and begins processing of each file/disc with the error, "macosx: QT doesn't support any appropriate chroma" (on files and DVDs that worked fine a week ago).

I am on OS-X version 10.3.9 with VLC version 0.8.6c and now QuickTime 7.3.1. Also have noted VLC is crashing in just about every instance AND the Chroma player works fine on all media.

Are there any other possibilities to pursue?--I don't understand how some people were successful regaining video, whether there was something I missed. Would portions of any log/config files help, and if so, let me know which ones and I'll post them here. Thanks.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby emagers » 26 Feb 2008 18:52

I followed Leah's advice and replaced QT with the previous version using Pacifist, but VLC still plays audio without video and begins processing of each file/disc with the error, "macosx: QT doesn't support any appropriate chroma" (on files and DVDs that worked fine a week ago).

I am on OS-X version 10.3.9 with VLC version 0.8.6c and now QuickTime 7.3.1. Also have noted VLC is crashing in just about every instance AND the Chroma player works fine on all media. . . . Thanks.
To clarify, the crashing doesn't happen every time and seems unrelated. Also, I've verified MPlayer works fine. VLC still no video.

I turned on debug and will post log output from the mac.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: No video at all anymore

Postby emagers » 26 Feb 2008 19:01

Log output from one session where VLC played audio but no video below. Hope there's something obvious:

-- logger module started --
main debug: CPU has capabilities FPU
main debug: looking for memcpy module: 1 candidate
main debug: using memcpy module "memcpy"
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 42871808 (playlist) created at priority -47 (playlist/playlist.c:184)
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 42875392 (preparser) created at priority -47 (playlist/playlist.c:210)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: thread 42038784 (interface) created at priority -47 (interface/interface.c:198)
main debug: looking for interface module: 2 candidates
main debug: using interface module "macosx"
main debug: thread 42881536 (manage) created at priority -47 (interface/interface.c:164)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
logger: using logger...
logger warning: no log filename provided, using `/Users/imac/Library/Logs//vlc-log.txt'
logger debug: opening logfile `/Users/imac/Library/Logs//vlc-log.txt'
main debug: using interface module "logger"
main debug: thread 43347456 (interface) created at priority -47 (interface/interface.c:198)
main debug: adding playlist item `The Power Of Nightmares' ( dvdnav:///Volumes/The Power Of Nightmares )
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 43652096 (input) created at priority 37 (input/input.c:265)
main debug: creating statistics handler
main debug: `dvdnav:///Volumes/The Power Of Nightmares' gives access `dvdnav' demux `' path `/Volumes/The Power Of Nightmares'
main debug: creating demux: access='dvdnav' demux='' path='/Volumes/The Power Of Nightmares'
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
dvdnav debug: trying to go to dvd menu
main debug: thread 43697152 (dvdnav event thread handler) created at priority -47 (dvdnav.c:336)
main debug: using access_demux module "dvdnav"
main debug: `dvdnav:///Volumes/The Power Of Nightmares' successfully opened
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_HOP_CHANNEL
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE
dvdnav debug: - vtsN=1
dvdnav debug: - domain=8
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE
dvdnav debug: - cellN=1
dvdnav debug: - pgN=1
dvdnav debug: - cell_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pg_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pgc_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - cell_start=0
dvdnav debug: - pg_start=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_wide=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_letterbox=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_pan_scan=0
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
main debug: selecting program id=0
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "spudec"
main debug: thread 43722752 (decoder) created at priority -47 (input/decoder.c:159)
dvdnav debug: - physical=0
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "libmpeg2"
main debug: thread 43732992 (decoder) created at priority -47 (input/decoder.c:159)
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
libmpeg2 debug: 720x480 (display 720,480), aspect 576000, sar 8:9, 29.971 fps
main debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
main debug: crop: 73,337,247,33, palette forced: 1
main debug: window size: 720x540
main debug: looking for video output module: 3 candidates
opengl debug: Texture size: 720x480
main debug: looking for opengl provider module: 1 candidate
macosx warning: no OpenGL hardware acceleration found. Video display will be slow
opengl warning: No OpenGL provider found
macosx debug: we don't have Altivec
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 2
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 3
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 4
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 5
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 6
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "a52"
main debug: thread 43926528 (decoder) created at priority 37 (input/decoder.c:159)
a52: A/52 channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:192000
main debug: no aout present, spawning one
main debug: looking for audio output module: 2 candidates
main debug: VLC is looking for: 'a52 ' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1536 samples/768 bytes
auhal debug: system has [1] device(s)
auhal debug: DevID: 0xa DevName: Built-in Audio
auhal debug: supported format: [44100][lpcm][30][4][1][4][2][16]
macosx error: QT doesn't support any appropriate chroma
main debug: using video output module "dummy"
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: got 8 direct buffer(s)
main debug: picture in 720x480 (0,0,720x480), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 8:9
main debug: picture user 720x480 (0,0,720x480), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 8:9
main debug: picture out 720x480 (0,0,720x480), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 8:9
main debug: direct render, mapping render pictures 0-6 to system pictures 1-7
main debug: thread 44170752 (video output) created at priority 37 (video_output/video_output.c:421)
main warning: dts != current_pts (5527654)
auhal debug: current format is: [44100][lpcm][43][4][1][4][2][32]
auhal debug: layout of AUHAL has 2 channels
auhal debug: selected 2 physical channels for device output
auhal debug: VLC will output: Stereo
auhal debug: we set the AU format: [48000][lpcm][11][8][1][8][2][32]
auhal debug: the actual set AU format is [48000][lpcm][11][8][1][8][2][32]
main debug: using audio output module "auhal"
main debug: output 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: mixer 'fl32' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: no need for any filter
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
main debug: looking for video blending module: 1 candidate
blend debug: chroma: YUVP -> I420
main debug: using video blending module "blend"
main debug: using audio mixer module "trivial_mixer"
main debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1536 samples/768 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'a52 '->'fl32' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "a52tofloat32"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 52800 Hz->48000 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main warning: PTS is out of range (6009309), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (10973), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-21002), dropping buffer
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_NOP
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_WAIT
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_NOP
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE
dvdnav debug: - cellN=1
dvdnav debug: - pgN=1
dvdnav debug: - cell_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pg_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pgc_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - cell_start=0
dvdnav debug: - pg_start=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_wide=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_letterbox=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_pan_scan=0
main debug: crop: 73,337,247,33, palette forced: 1
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
main debug: removing module "spudec"
main debug: thread 43722752 joined (input/decoder.c:191)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `spu ', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "spudec"
main debug: thread 43539968 (decoder) created at priority -47 (input/decoder.c:159)
dvdnav debug: - physical=0
main debug: crop: 73,337,247,33, palette forced: 1
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
libmpeg2 debug: 720x480 (display 720,480), aspect 576000, sar 8:9, 29.971 fps
main warning: dts != current_pts (-93163)
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 7
main warning: buffer is 60465 in advance, triggering downsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 13671208 usec (drift: -805)
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_NOP
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_WAIT
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_NOP
dvdnav debug: DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE
dvdnav debug: - cellN=1
dvdnav debug: - pgN=1
dvdnav debug: - cell_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pg_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - pgc_length=15753000
dvdnav debug: - cell_start=0
dvdnav debug: - pg_start=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_wide=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_letterbox=0
dvdnav debug: - physical_pan_scan=0
main debug: crop: 73,337,247,33, palette forced: 1
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
main debug: removing module "spudec"
main debug: thread 43539968 joined (input/decoder.c:191)
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `spu ', 0 PES in FIFO
main debug: looking for decoder module: 26 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "spudec"
main debug: thread 43462144 (decoder) created at priority -47 (input/decoder.c:159)
dvdnav debug: - physical=0
main debug: crop: 73,337,247,33, palette forced: 1
dvdnav debug: buttonUpdate 1
libmpeg2 debug: 720x480 (display 720,480), aspect 576000, sar 8:9, 29.971 fps
main warning: dts != current_pts (-93272)
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 8
main warning: buffer is 59310 in advance, triggering downsampling
main warning: resampling stopped after 13505594 usec (drift: -815)
main debug: removing all interfaces
main debug: thread 43347456 joined (interface/interface.c:258)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 13
Joined: 02 Mar 2007 03:06

Re: No video at all anymore

Postby Leah » 22 Apr 2008 23:43

Have been putting of updating quicktime for a while since i don't use it at all really, but have recently got an ipod video
and have been having trouble importing videos into itunes. So, i thought I may need to update quicktime but surprise surprise, i have no video with just audio again with VLC.

Anyone else have this problem again (or for the first time) since updating quicktime?

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