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Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 23:26
by jbutler
Version 0.9 includes a cool feature by which you can insert a video's time code into the filename. If you specify "$T" (no quotation marks) in the video prefix option, it'll be replaced by the time code.

In the Windows version, the time code looks like 00_05_25, with underscores placed where colons normally would be. However, in the Mac version it tries to insert colons -- like 00:05:25. However, Mac OS X does not really like colons in filenames and replaces them with slashes when the file name displays in the finder. E.g., if the prefix were vlcsnap$T, the file name would look something like this:


The OS somehow remembers the colons, however, and if you FTP the file to a Linux box, the colons come back. This causes a variety of problems.

Would it be possible for the Mac version (same for Linux?) to generate time code with underscores and not colons?

Thanks for any assistance.

Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 14:37
by fkuehne
Sure. Thanks for the hint! This feature wasn't developed by a contributor running Mac OS X, so this wasn't tested yet.

Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 14:44
by fkuehne
You can follow the progress on this issue in ticket #1362 in our bugtracker.

Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 14 Nov 2007 15:49
by jbutler
Thanks for the quick response! I'll track the bug from now on.


Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 16 Jan 2008 16:42
by funman
it should be fixed in revision 24338

Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 18 Jan 2008 21:15
by jbutler

Any idea when the Mac OS X Intel nightly builds will be updated? Currently, the most recent one is 4 January 2008.


Re: Colons in Snapshot Filename

Posted: 19 Jan 2008 21:20
by fkuehne
As soon as I fixed the server. Gimme a day or two :)