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AIFF playback

Posted: 11 Jun 2007 13:02
by markie
I've been trying to playback some aiff files in vlc and I'm experiencing some odd effects and I was wondering if anyone had seen this. The files in question are 16-bit, big endian, stereo at 44.1 kHz.

They play fine in quicktime and other players, but vlc(I've tried 0.8.6a and 0.8.6-bugfix on PPC) plays them slightly too quickly with lots of popping and other distortion.

Gettings the information from vlc, gives me:
codec: twos, channels:2, sample rate 44100, bits 16 - seems mostly correct.

As an example, a file in quicktime shows the duration as 1:44, in vlc it is 1:23

Any suggestions would be most welcome!


Posted: 12 Jun 2007 11:29
by markie
I'm following up my own post here, but there's definitely a bug in the handling of these files. I've just tried a number of the AIFF (aifc) files in the windows version 0.8.6b and I get exactly the same results, the files play too quickly and sometimes exhibit other distortion. If it was just happening on my Mac I was ready to put it down to some problem there, but this is happening on my windows box and just for good measure on my ubuntu linux machine. I suppose I should probably report this elsewhere...

Posted: 13 Jun 2007 22:40
by fenrir
It should be fixed in SVN (You may want to try a nightly build tomorrow.)

Posted: 14 Jun 2007 10:49
by markie
Just tried the nightly PPC build. I can confirm that all the files I was having problem with are now playing correctly.

Many thanks for the quick response on this!