Seperate playlist window??

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006 21:11

Seperate playlist window??

Postby Hiei » 09 Nov 2006 21:33

I've searched for this and only came up with responses from the Windows forum. Is there a way to create a separate playlist window like in the older versions of VLC instead of the embedded window? It seems to have been a popular request to embed the playlist, but I've never liked that option. I actually use an older version of VLC on my G4 because of that. However, on my mini Im stuck with the intel version.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 7296
Joined: 16 Mar 2004 19:37
VLC version: 0.4.6 - present
Operating System: Darwin
Location: Germany

Postby fkuehne » 09 Nov 2006 23:57

Regrettably, you can't separate the playlist anymore. We had to decide between the 2 possibilities and came down to the embedded variant, which isn't user-changeable.
Adding an option to let the user decide would be nice, but due to our limited developer resources, we are currently focusing on other features like a fullscreen controller, etc.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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