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Extended Control-Image Adjustments-enable = audio only

Posted: 09 Sep 2006 03:45
by marklar
If while a file is playing one opens the Extended Controls > Image Adjustment and clicks "enable" the video disapears and the audio continues to play.

If, one leaves the "enable" checked and goes to preferences, does a "reset all" and "save" the dialog, one can again restart a video and see the video and hear the audio, however, the adjustments under "image adjustment" are completely innefective, except for the "opaqueness" slider and the "invert colors" check box.

unchecking "enable" for image adjustment, then rechecking it again causes the video to disapear. stopping play and starting the same or a different video with the "enable" box checked yields playing audio only without video, as if you had checked the "enable" box whilst playing.

This has been the case with the OS X nightlies of the last several weeks, and used to function well on this setup.


Playing on latest OS X Tiger w/ all updates. Dual 800 G4 Quicksilver mac w/ 1.25 GB memory, lots of free space, permissions and file system in good order.

Posted: 10 Sep 2006 18:36
by marklar
anyone else experiencing this?

anyone else try this? Would another Mac user PLEASE TRY and leave feedback....perhaps it is something to do w/ my system if not...

note, I am not a developer, thus I am unable to file a bug report...

Posted: 20 Sep 2006 20:04
by marklar

testing with nightlies on OS X (ppc - both G3 & G4) show problem persists.



also, unrelated, note that some files audio just not working at all that did work in 0.8.5 and mPlayer...

Posted: 20 Sep 2006 22:05
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It is a know bug about vfilters. Thanks for the report.

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 16:28
by marklar

Thanks very much, for responses here and in the IRC!!!!

sorry my search didn't see the vfilter problem before asking...

Posted: 21 Sep 2006 20:40
by fkuehne
sorry my search didn't see the vfilter problem before asking...
That wasn't because of you. It simply wasn't asked yet and I remember only really rare questions about this panel, so I was actually wondering if it was worth implementing at all except for my personal use.

thank you

Posted: 30 Sep 2006 09:52
by marklar
ah hah! Thanks for the follow up.

I greatly relied on it in the past --makes a huge difference in viewing videos, especially the ones that are too dark to see detail for me. Just figured it was a question of time until it reappeared in the nightlies but after a while thought it worthwhile to post.

Went to the nightlies and see last PPC version 9-21 which is date of your post. Will give it a shot but guess that may not be reflected then...Hope it can come back.


Posted: 01 Oct 2006 00:11
by marklar
just a follow up, and I'm sure you're already aware of this, but just to be sure.

The good news is in attempting the nightly of 9-21 it is noted that checking "enable" no longer crashes the video playing, leaving the audio running as it did before; the controls are inoperative except for "opaqueness".
