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Goodbye, VLC!

Posted: 12 Sep 2024 06:33
by Marcador
Dear all,

today I am desperate enough to do something I never even thought possible: I'll throw the p.o.s that once used to be the very best player available, from my system.

I've been using vlc for (...don't even know, feels like forever) I think eleven, twelve years now.
First, on WIN, and since 2014, on my macs.

The Mac-version has eroded with each update.

By now, even strating vlc is like the lottery: Will it run - or not?
Next frustration comes when trying to open a file, ref above.
Months ago, I posted my problem here - not even a single reply ("2 Bugs: 1.Updating-issue & 2. A/B-loop freezes", posted in JULY).

As it is, VLC has become an utter mess, and I cannot use this, unfortunately.
Frustrated and desperate as I am, I would still like to take this opportunity to thank the old time devs, who did produce a player, that once was the pinnacle of all available media players.
I will forever remember my first VLC installation on the windows machine: W O W ! ! ! It worked. It just worked:
- No matter what kind of exotic files, VLC worked.
- The settings JUST WORKED (now, I save a setting - only to find that the next time I startVLC, it has returned to the old settings...
- I will always remember my amazement, when I could even play 320x240 "midget-vids" FULL-SCREEN IN MORE THAN DECENT QUALITY!
- I used to endorse VLC to my students for years - and (probably unbelievable, at least for Mac users) got lots of thanks from the guys...
- For the last 2 years or so, I could not recommend VLC anymore. After I got a very aggressive reply from someone I did recommend VLC to, I stopped.
- By now, VLC has become the one software on my computer, that I open with fear only.
- today, I have been fighting VLC for almost 4 hours - once more: no matter which video I tried to play, VLC kept crashing and that damn pop-up window with the --please stay polite-- error messages kept popping up, I pressed the "clean up"-button... well, I could have shot myself - that would at least have worked. As it is, the pop-up keeps popping up. No, not funny, not the least!

My mood is such that I am glad there's no-one around trying to tell me about the GREAT VLC! THAT would have ended tragically.
Thus, before I do hurt somebody, or die of heart attack out of sheer frustration, I WILL KILL VLC NOW!

This is all very very sad.
Dear development team, I do hope that sometime in the future you will find the programmers, who will allow your product to become quality again.
If I were you, I'd just quit - you could spend your free time doing something that MAKES SENSE! E.g. Getting cosmetic surgery, so you will not have to run around ashamed anymore.

Last comment: your support pages are the same mess, your software has become. But no one seems to care anymore anyway.
If I were you, I would immediately shut up and become very, very quiet about my "spare time".

Thus goodbye.

I can only recommend to all Macke users: throw that thing off your system! Rather pay $5 then be frustrated for however long you will try to make it work:

VLC JUST WILL NOT WORK RELIABLY - well, maybe it is okay for you, but then you would have to be deaf and blind.

End of raant, end of the ONE software, I used to think, that kept up the spirit with which we started "the well": ENABLE EVERYONE TO THE ADVANTAGES OF MODERN COMPUTING BY PROVIDING F R E E & E A S Y A C C E S S to software (and even hardware, but that was ages ago). Our counter culture of sharing quality and being proud of that, has died.

Re: Goodbye, VLC!

Posted: 15 Sep 2024 12:24
by fkuehne
Ehm, despite the large amount of frustration shared by you in your posting, the problem seems to be that VLC seems to be crashing for you. This is with version 3.0.21? You reset VLC completely? When exactly does it crash and can you share the crash log displayed by your Mac?

Re: Goodbye, VLC!

Posted: 18 Sep 2024 04:21
by Jeanr
Not sure what you wanted to "share" with the community. Seems like a straight up personal opinion, you're better off opening a window and screaming out loud to passing strangers. or contact a professional psychologist.