Unable to download YouTube videos

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Unable to download YouTube videos

Postby Daoud65 » 29 Oct 2023 02:44

I have the most recent VideoLAN software and am running the latest version of MacOS Montery on a Macbook Pro. Several years ago, I was able to follow the process to download YouTube videos, but am no longer able to do so.

I will open VideoLAN and select "Open Network" then enter the URL and click "Open" on the bottom right of the screen.

In the playlist window, I see a line flash in the playlist, and then it disappears and I am unable to find any information when I go and open the "Media Information" window.

Any help on this issue is much appreciated as I am trying to recover videos that I produced many years ago for a support group for bipolar children. I am unable to recover several videos on a YouTube channel that I once owned.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 11 Feb 2024 19:09

Re: Unable to download YouTube videos

Postby Spyder14 » 11 Feb 2024 19:12

Me, too. I can only assume that the YT video file I am trying to save is copyrighted to prevent any type of saving or exporting?

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