vlcji-javafx-demo crashes with 'Can't load library ...' on M1
Posted: 27 Jul 2022 10:48
I just checked out this repository:
and am trying to run it on my mac. It was running before without issues but now suddenly it stopped.
I run it on:
Apple M1 Pro with macOS Monterey 12.3.1
IntelliJ 11.0.15+10-b2043.56 aarch64
openjdk-18.0.2 for Apple silicon
And have installed in my system:
VLC 3.0.17 for macOS with Apple silicon chips
and I am getting this crash
Any ideas what might be the issue here?
I think it stated crashing after updating Intelli or java to apple silicon builds.
If I use IntelliJ for Intel, with java for Intel and VLC for intel then it works fine.
Best regards,
I just checked out this repository:
and am trying to run it on my mac. It was running before without issues but now suddenly it stopped.
I run it on:
Apple M1 Pro with macOS Monterey 12.3.1
IntelliJ 11.0.15+10-b2043.56 aarch64
openjdk-18.0.2 for Apple silicon
And have installed in my system:
VLC 3.0.17 for macOS with Apple silicon chips
and I am getting this crash
Code: Select all
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /Users/r.juszczyk/Library/Caches/JNA/temp/jna10418619198963727795.tmp
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:2398)
at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.load0(Runtime.java:785)
at java.base/java.lang.System.load(System.java:1979)
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibraryFromClasspath(Native.java:1012)
at com.sun.jna.Native.loadNativeDispatchLibrary(Native.java:988)
at com.sun.jna.Native.<clinit>(Native.java:195)
at com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.<clinit>(NativeLibrary.java:87)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.discovery.strategy.OsxNativeDiscoveryStrategy.forceLoadLibVlcCore(OsxNativeDiscoveryStrategy.java:66)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.discovery.strategy.OsxNativeDiscoveryStrategy.onFound(OsxNativeDiscoveryStrategy.java:55)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.discovery.NativeDiscovery.discover(NativeDiscovery.java:114)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.MediaPlayerFactory.discoverNativeLibrary(MediaPlayerFactory.java:176)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.MediaPlayerFactory.<init>(MediaPlayerFactory.java:108)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj@4.7.1/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.factory.MediaPlayerFactory.<init>(MediaPlayerFactory.java:163)
at uk.co.caprica.vlcj.javafx.demo/uk.co.caprica.vlcj.javafx.demo.VlcjJavaFxApplication.<init>(VlcjJavaFxApplication.java:35)
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.newInstance(DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.java:67)
... 8 more
I think it stated crashing after updating Intelli or java to apple silicon builds.
If I use IntelliJ for Intel, with java for Intel and VLC for intel then it works fine.
Best regards,