With the Flip4mac-Plugin, its possible to Play WMV 3.0
Posted: 11 Jan 2006 14:30
I've posted it in the other thread bevore, but i want, that this will be seen...
With the Flip4Mac, you can Play ALL WMV 3.0 Files in your Quicktime Player...cool an much bether than in the Windows Media Player....
Dear VLC-Team, is ther no way to integrate this plugin in the VLC-Player? Its possible for the QT-Player...
Liink: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window ... p4mac.mspx
(sorry my bad english)
With the Flip4Mac, you can Play ALL WMV 3.0 Files in your Quicktime Player...cool an much bether than in the Windows Media Player....
Dear VLC-Team, is ther no way to integrate this plugin in the VLC-Player? Its possible for the QT-Player...
Liink: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/window ... p4mac.mspx
(sorry my bad english)