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Occasional video glitch

Posted: 21 Sep 2021 14:51
by brendanxx
I'm running Big Sur and VLC 3.0.16. My MacBook Air 2020 is attached to TV via HDMI cable. When watching a movie every so often (it's irregular, every 10/15 minutes) the film jumps. I've reinstalled VLC but it's still happening. Any thoughts would be most welcome as although it's irregular and glitches quite far apart, it's still annoying.

Re: Occasional video glitch

Posted: 04 Oct 2021 17:08
by ePirat
Could you collect a verbose log while playing a file where this issue occurs? Additionally can you provide details about what exactly the issue manifests? Does it just jumps forward a bit?
To help you, we need messages, to completely understand what your problems is.

From windows command line or linux or macos terminal, launch vlc with options -vv and --logfile=file

  • Windows example: vlc.exe -vv --logfile=c:\vlclog.txt
  • Linux example: vlc -vv --logfile=vlclog.txt, or vlc -vv 2>&1 > logfile.txt
Then paste the full resulting log here between [​code]and[​/code] (or use if it's too long)

Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.