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rotate AVI videos

Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:33
by all2alb
Dear all,

I have a problem when rotating and saving AVI videos.
I work on a MacBook Pro running Mojave and use VLC 3.0.12 Vetinari (Intel 64bit).

This is what I am doing:

1 open the concerned AVI video
2 go to Window->Video Effects->Geometry-Transform->Rotate by 180 degrees
3 the video rotates

now for saving it I tried two different options:

1-1 while the rotated AVI video is playing I select Playback->Record
1-2 after a while I select Playback-Stop
1-3 a new AVI video is created
1-4 if I play this video in ANOTHER, not VLC, player the video is NOT rotated

following the advice in
found in another post I tried it even if it is for the Windows version:
2-1 I go to VLC Media Player->Preferences->Show All->Video->Filters->Transformation
2-2 I select Transformation Type : Rotate by 180 degree
2-3 click on Save
2-4 go to File->Convert / Stream
2-5 Open the AVI video just created and in Choose Destination select Save as File
2-6 the new MKV video created when played in Quicktime is NOT rotated

Most probably I am missing something or I wonder if the problem is that AVI videos cannot be modified.

Thank you a lot for your help