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VLC takes several minutes to open a large m3u file

Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:15
by najibla
VLC Version 3.0.12 Vetinari (Intel 64bit)
MacOs version Big sur 11.2

I have an m3u file with a very large playlist (about 50,000 entries) that is 14.5 MB. It takes more than 5 minutes to open it.
I unchecked the "Automatically preparse items", but that didnt help.

Re: VLC takes several minutes to open a large m3u file

Posted: 14 Mar 2021 14:20
by fkuehne
This is normal in VLC v3. It will behave correctly and a lot faster in v4.

Re: VLC takes several minutes to open a large m3u file

Posted: 28 Sep 2023 17:48
by superx335
This is normal in VLC v3. It will behave correctly and a lot faster in v4.
Well I come from the future just to say what this guy appointed was absolutely certain, just testing a 26k channels IPTV and it loads almost instantly, this is amazing