VLC crashing if I click anything during playback

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VLC crashing if I click anything during playback

Postby sweldon » 09 Sep 2020 02:29

Hey, anyone lmk if you know what's causing my VLC to crash. I've uninstalled and re-downloaded the latest version, but it hasn't helped anything. Basically, VLC is able to open and begin playing any of my video files, but if I click pause/play/ff/rw/command J/do any scrubbing or anything at all it will immediately crash and I'll have to start from the beginning again. It's not any individual video that's causing this, all of them seem to do this.

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Re: VLC crashing if I click anything during playback

Postby ePirat » 21 Dec 2020 11:40

Which VLC version are you using and which macOS version are you on?

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